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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Yes, I'm doing this with my hubby too and the game plan is that this is for life! We both saw the Horizon programme together last year and decided it was a no brainer for all the health reasons, not just weight loss. It is so, so much easier doing this together - and, as it's a life plan, I couldn't keep it a secret even if I wanted to! Not quite sure why so many people are keeping this sort of thing from their immediate family (at least with the people they share the same house with) - don't see how that would work long term - not for me anyway :) Like Tracieknits, I get quite grumpy towards the end of a fast day too - tend to get home after work and am looking for food NOW - thankfully, through the winter months we're tending to eat homemade soup or stir frys on fast days, so food is, indeed quite instant. I just growl, eat and then become a normal happy lass again!! Good luck yoyodieter, hope your hubby sticks at it with you - he'll benefit from it in the long term :lol:
150lbs wrote: Gillb, I have followed your responses over the last couple of weeks, and I feel that we are on the same wavelength. My husband and I are doing this together, and eat the very type of foods you describe, that is, keeping things really quite simple. And we have made our own bread for 45 years, and I am amazed at how we are living so comfortably without it, as he has always put a couple of slices around anything, and wouldn't dream of eating soup or scrambled eggs without bread.

I think you are right as you have just described my husband and his attitude to bread too. We also make bread so it is totally delicious (unfortunately). He went on Andrew Whitley's bread course last year and is an enthusiastic baker so we keep that for the non fast days and still enjoy it. The great thing about 5:2 is that we can still enjoy our food.
theyoyodieter wrote: Morning all.

Gillb thanks for your comments. I'm not a 'ready meal' type person really. I previously cooked all our meals from scratch, however I found it difficult cooking for the family and keeping my portions correct.

Oh I fully understand please don't think it was a criticism. When you have a young family at home life is very hectic as I well remember. These days I have the luxury of only the two of us to cater for coupled with running my two businesses from home so I am around to faff about chopping veg if I want to be. Whatever works for you is the right way.
My wife joins in on Tuesday's fast, making her a 6:1 faster, but she is eating carefully & snacking less the rest of the time. I only eat an evening meal on fast days, she spreads her allowance across the day with the largest meal in the evening. Both approaches are working well. I am now below my original target so have added a few calories to my fast days meal but still go for the 24 hour gap between meals.
Yes, Gillb, the bread is lovely, and if the bought bread was of the quality that Andrew W. has been talking about for years, folks would be much healthier from that alone.However, even some of the best food is still so high in carbs that I am having to really watch my quantities now.
The saving grace is I exercise as often as I can, but I feel for the parents who are trying to juggle their outside occupations and food preparation needed for nutritious meals. I love messing on in the kitchen with all my gadgets, and experimenting with staples and raw foods, but that is because I have accumulated equipment over many years, and being retired from paid work, have time to use as I wish. A lot of the parents I see in town are overweight due to mal-nutrition, and that is a result of inadequate finances, coupled with lack of knowledge. Oh, I would like Domestic Science back on the National Curriculum, put there I go again......getting all political. We can only keep banging the drum for this excellent way of eating and managing our appetites.
Good luck to all those coming along with us, and keep at it, as you know it is the right thing to do--- and there's nowt on telly is there? So just play nicely in the kitchen, and ENJOY!
Hi yoyodieter...they are square wraps...but I don't fold them...just use them like a pizza base....think they are 180 cals per wrap...sounds a lot ..but they are quite substantial.....and the veggies have very few cals in them....they come in white or brown...I get them in Sainsburys ....just had one for dinner...yummy xx
What a great post 150lbs!! I'm movitated now! It is a struggle to think of food suitable for all the family, especially when its a rush getting in from work and everyone is hungry. Thats one of the reasons I decided to try the ready meals, just one 'ping' and I could eat!!

Anyway, I'm on my first fast day today since our holiday, and boy, am I glad to be back!! I'm already looking forward to tea tonight...grilled salmon & loads of green veggies. Hubbie has started off OK, he's had scrambled eggs for breakfast :-) Although he wasn't very pleased when I told him he can't drink his usual 6+ cups of milky coffee today! Actually, I think thats probably one of the things I find quite hard. I'm a tea drinker, but it has to have milk in it. I do find it a struggle to get through the day without my regular tea breaks. I try and drink plenty of water instead on a fasting day.

Have a good day all :-) xx
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