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Turning into the Churchill dog.
26 Feb 2013, 08:35
So far, I'm 7lbs down and it looks like a fair bit of that has come off my face! I have distingtly noticed lines down from the corners of my mouth and my chin is looking a bit droopy. Not quite doing the "Oh Yes" yet (those TV addicts will know what I'm on about).
What I'd like to know is, do any of you have a foolproof exercise for tightening up your chin. I've never had a well defined chin but I don't want to end up looking like a shar pei. We all know the exercises we need to do for other parts of the body, and I've even got Ever Frazers books on facersize but I didn't find that worked. I'm sure someone has probably got one or two moves that make a difference. Cheers.
Hi Precilla, I had a quick search on youtube to see if there were any facial exercises and there seems to be hundreds!!. I had a look at a few, there is a chap who looks and sounds exactly like Dr. Nick off the Simpsons (Avoid him Haha)But if you do a search for 'Face yoga' you might find something usefull and if nothing else it will give you a laugh pulling all the weird facial expressions !! Oh Yesh !! ;)
Thanks Shazzam, will check youtube out.
Just an update. Looked on Youtube. Have been doing some of the exercises and finally someone noticed yesterday that I look slimmer around the chin/neck area. Must stop doing them in the car tho'. Getting some odd looks from passers-by.
Whta specfic excerises have you done?

COngrats on the weight loss!
I like the "Muscles don't end at the neck" youtube vid (and I feel totally ridiculous doing the exercises, but at least the pretty models look daft as well). I've not got the mouth droop but I've gone wrinkly where my double chin was so hopefully this will be helping.
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