I am terrible at remembering where I have read articles from. But one I read said that when they took blood tests from people who had heart attacks they found a decent proportion of them had high cholesterol levels (not all of them mind you) so the rather poor science then equated high cholesterol with heart attacks, so everyone must have low cholesterol at any cost including bad side effects from statins. One must ask, what about the people who die of heart attacks with normal cholesterol and more significantly those with high cholesterol who don't die of heart attack and are healthy so no blood tests are taken?
In the UK especially, cholesterol isn't routinely taken as in other parts of the world, only if you are having blood taken for something else, they tack on a cholesterol test as its cheap.

Now my diet, as you can see by my weight does consist of everything that is supposed to increase cholesterol, yet I have never gone over 4 in any of my blood tests. Genetically maybe you are meant to have high levels of cholesterol, maybe it makes you brainier as the brain uses cholesterol its why we have cholesterol after all.