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Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 07:38
Morning everyone

Having a bit of a problem with 5:2, well, more with myself really :confused:
I suffer from GAD (generalised anxiety disorder) and have just started CBT (first session was yesterday).
My problem relating to 5:2 is that I always find myself feeling anxious on a day that I fast - even on my best fast day where I felt really positive, I had some nagging feelings of anxiety. I am hesitant to do exercise in case it leaves me feeling weak and for the most part, I go through the day feeling quite unrelaxed and worried about whether I am going to have to break the fast!
Now, I know this will sound ridiculous to most (as it does to me when I am not feeling it). I want to enjoy fasting and feel the good it is doing to me but all I can do is fret.
Does anyone else feel this to any extent?

Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 08:00
Hello, Sophie,

It doesn't sound at all ridiculous. If you have anxiety disorder then you are battling two things. I am not qualified to help you through your anxiety but I do suffer a fair bit myself. I think cold, hard facts and science might help get over your worries about whether or not you should exercise on the fast day or not. I know from reading threads here that the consensus is that it's actually the day AFTER the fast where you're likely to feel under par when you exercise - understandably really since you're out of fuel. On the fast day itself you're still full of calories from the previous day. As long as you keep hydrated you can exercise normally.

The other thing I'd say is take your measurements today and log them. I have lost very little weight since end September when I started this, with an Xmas break. Only about five pounds or so. But I have lost a good three inches off my waist and two off my hips and I am back in my size 12 clothes again. Yesterday I tried on a dress I haven't been able to wear for two years and am thrilled about it. I guess that I have been increasing my exercise a lot over the last six months - I do three exercise classes a week and swim once a week for an hour as well as cycle everywhere. So I haven't lost the pounds but I've altered my body shape and found my waist again after the menopause.
Good luck! You can do it! The reason we're all on this forum is because we're all failures when it comes to living the healthy lifestyle 24/7 - we're only human after all and we don't have trainers and dieticians to make decisions for us. But that's the good thing about having this site to come to with your questions and concerns.
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 08:09
Hi Sophieh,
I personally don't feel any anxiety during a fast day. When I first started on this journey I was concerned that I would, but I now focus on what I want and not what I don't want. I think that the more attention you give to the thoughts of what worries you, the more likely that the very thing that you don't want will be the outcome ( hope this makes sense). Try to focus on being happy, relaxed and motivated, healthy, energetic and invigorated. It certainly works for me. I am now into week 6 and loving it. Anxiety often is triggered around feelings of loss/lack of control. 5:2 actually gives you positive control and clear boundaries that you set your fasting days on, so in theory if you keep this as your focus it could help you feel less not more anxious. try to reframe your thoughts for the days you fast.
Good luck
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 08:22
Thanks Jem, I think I just look for things to worry about!
Your post makes total sense and has helped, I think it's just reassurance that I need sometimes!
I'm going to carry on with my running/walking.
Thanks so much again x
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 09:05
Also think it through, what's the worst case scenario minute to minute. If you exercise & feel weak, have a small snack. You are in control here. It can be very small, I have discovered that even when very hungry, a minute snack can fool the brain & now brain has given up playing silly buggers.

If you worry about breaking the fast, think through why that would be so distressing. Is it that you would worry about binging or are you trying to fast perfectly?

"Good enough" fasting will work out in the long run.
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 09:22
Hi Sophie

Thank you for posting so honestly as I feel EXACTLY the same and thought it was just me!
I had panic attacks for many years and, although I have my anxiety under control for the most part, I still feel anxious about feeling weak and faint on fasting days. It's irrational I know but I suppose that's the nature of the beast.
However, this is my second week of 5:2 and I'm seeing results, feeling positively evangelical about the whole thing and believing the anxiety will start to reduce with time.

So, don't worry, you're not on your own!

Have a lovely day x
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 10:18
In no way are your feelings ridiculous.

That is really key to understand, anxiety is horrible, and I am a tall bloke, who has sometimes felt unable to go and pick the kids up from school!

All I can say, do your CBT, it will get better, you understand the issue, it's the start to doing something else, I hope it goes really well for you.

Be brave, you're worth it!
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 11:20
I have some experience with cbt in my family. It has been very useful for all of us. make that your focus and ease into the fasting when you re ready. Best of luck.
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 13:54
Thank you all so much for your replies, I feel tons better and not so ridiculous :) My fast today is going well thus far, trying to wait til tea time to eat, trying to relax and think positive, it's working & you have all helped xx
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 14:00
I felt really anxious on fast days to start with. This was because I felt I was doing something wrong, ie. not having three good meals a day. Over time that has gone and slowly I am beginning to feel more in control and not just of food.
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 14:45
Hi Sophie

Can I ask what your prime motivation is for doing 5:2? Apart from your anxiety disorder, have you other health problems that you hope will benefit from intermittent fasting? Is your concern weight loss, or perhaps a combination of both?

I notice you posted earlier this week ("Is it psychological?") about your feelings of anxiety surrounding fasting and I think the answer to that particular question is most likely 'yes'. In a way, it's a double edged sword - your awareness of the possible physical side effects of fasting causes feelings of anxiety, which in turn can mimic those side effects and trigger further feelings of anxiety and so it becomes a vicious circle. Anxiety can be incredibly debilitating and it's good you are having CBT to help control your symptoms. Have you discussed with your therapist or GP the fact that your are fasting? They may have some useful input on the wisdom of making radical changes to your diet so early on in the treatment process when undergoing therapy can be very challenging in itself. Are you on medication for your anxiety? If so, fasting may affect its metabolism.

Sorry for asking all of these questions. I am a psychologist (albeit retired now). I think the title of your post says it all, really. Perhaps you are simply asking too much of yourself at the moment, Sophie.

Wishing you the very best of luck.

Marlene x
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 14:54
Hi Marlene

Motivation for doing it is to shift a few pounds, but mainly the healthy benefits - which might stem from my health anxiety. I have very mild asthma but that's it - and I haven't had to use my inhaler once recently, even when exercising, which is usually when I need it.

I know what you mean about feelings of anxiety mimicking side effects, if I'm feeling anxious I can almost talk myself into a panic attack. I haven't actually mentioned to my therapist about 5:2 but I will do so and see if she has any input.

I'm not on any medication at all, just herbal teas!

Thanks Marlene, I don't mind the questions! :)
Re: Can't relax into this...
05 Mar 2013, 16:33
Hi Sophie,

My husband suffers from GAD so I know just how debilitating it can be. None of your feelings are silly at all, this is a new way of life for all of us and its perfectly normal to get anxious about how the diet is going. Perhaps you should see your doctor to put things into context, if you have a depressive illness ( not sure how bad your GAD is but my hubby has to take medication to manage his) then fasting could affect it. It also might be useful to discuss as part of the CBT.
Hope things slot into place soon xx
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