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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hi all

I am in my 4th week now on fasting on the 5:2 . I go to bed on a Fast day evening really hungary and imagining all the lovely food I can eat in the mornings from bacon and eggs or Alpen and a croissant however...... wake up not hungary! I ended up eating at 11am as couldn't face food before this time!

This is very odd..... is this usual?

It's certainly not uncommon! I think a lot of us have realised that 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' is something of a myth - mostly cooked up by the cereal industry to sell their products ;)

When you're on 5:2 you start to be more aware of what your body needs as opposed to just what it wants. If you're not hungry in the morning you probably don't need to eat just yet!

I know I for one often don't eat until nearly midday after a fast, and actually if I eat earlier than that or if I eat too much then my tummy will tell me! I really love my cereal and have eaten it at breakfast time all my life but now I find more and more often I don't feel I need it, even if I might sometimes fancy it!

Likewise for lunch - I've often found myself eating lunch just because it's 'lunchtime' even though I wasn't hungry and didn't really know what to have as my body wasn't asking for anything in particular. But I felt like I had to eat because it's normal to do so. Well, I guess I probably didn't need my lunch all those years I forced it down myself, because I'd filled up at breakfast! Now I tend to miss breakfast and have a lunch instead (which sometimes is a bowl of cereal and some fruit, other times a salad, leftovers from yesterday, a sarnie... whatever my body seems to ask for).

So, don't worry - you're just more in tune with your body's needs :) If however you should start feeling seriously unwell because of it then perhaps you need to look at changing your fasting dinner in order to influence the way you feel when you get up. I'm not sciency enough or foody enough to advise on that though!
I agree with Moogie
i tend not to eat breakfast till late ish anyway and the day after a fast it is often even later
sometimes i dont know what i want to eat and i guess thats because i dont really NEED to eat and am just doing it cos thats what is expected
Normally I am not hungry the morning after a fast day, but I do now have some oats as cereal and sometimes a poached egg on a slice of toast. I feel that I need to ease myself back into eating normally. If I carry on fasting into the feed day then when I finally do have a 'proper' meal (in the evening) I am liable to get very hungry indeed and binge...
Thanks for your comments. Feel normal now! he he..... Loving the fact that I am more in tune with my body and hunger than ever before. All these treats are in front of me and as I'm not hungary not even tempted. Though dont want to technically 'fast' for another day on a feast day (though if the results are good then happy days?!?!)
I normally don't eat until about 1 o'clock after a fast day because I just don't feel hungry.
This morning I had a bacon sandwich around 11 and have been feeling a bit yucky after these empty calories.
I wish I'd waited and had some ryvita with hummus and some salad at lunch time.
I'm not going to eat until this evening now, unless the hunger strikes me before then.
It is a non fast day after all!
Great is it to be able to hear our body's needs again and not the howl of commercialism. I now have a handful of nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans) with my green chai on rising, then brunch at 11.30 to 12ish (today 3 eggs scrambled on seeded toast followed by real decaf coffee). Dinner tonight around 6ish will be fish cakes and salad and bio yogurt. It's all good. :0)
That happens sometimes after fasting we are not very hungry cause we drink so much of water sometimes.
Try to drink less then you have space for eating stuff.
Me too! I went to bed with my tummy rumbling last night, after my first fast day. I thought I would be so ready to eat when I got up. NOT! I waited 4 hours. Then I had 2 french toast and 4 sausage links. I feel very full still, 3 hours later.
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