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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Been in a weird mood all day - tired, lathargic, just couldn't 'get going'. This is my 9th FAST day and normally am fine but not today! Couldn't get myself to my Wednesday gym class either!

Did my normal FAST day of no breakfast nor lunch but fluids - oxo, herbal tea, water then for dinner at 5pm a piece of breaded fish, salad and asparagus finished with a jelly. But for some reason I carried on past my 500 calories with a spoonful of icecream, small biscuit, few chips off my Son's plate etc. Probabably only 200 or so more calories but it's where you've been sooo good all day, and especially feeling tired because of lack of food etc.

Know I'll be back on track tomorrow but it's so annoying.

Anyone else binge at the end of the day?
"Couldn't stick"

"Did my normal FAST day of no breakfast nor lunch but fluids - oxo, herbal tea, water then for dinner at 5pm a piece of breaded fish, salad and asparagus finished with a jelly."

Have you tried the breakfast/diner approach as outlined in the book and following the recipes in the book? I find this approach has given me 100% success rate, so far, in sticking to the target on Fast days... Something to consider.
No I haven't as normally whenever I start to eat at breakfast time I tend to be hungary for the rest of the day.... I might try it though. Thanks for advice.
Hi, I'm a bit of a newbie but someone recently said something to me that has really stuck in my head and I do think it applies here.

As much as this is a "diet" it is also a lifestyle change. The health benefits of eating in this way are significant and worth making a lifelong change for. As with everything in life, everyone goes through ups and downs. This was only one day out of your entire life. It isn't a write off. Please don't be downhearted about it.

I'm not sure if the way I'm doing the diet is the ideal approach and maybe someone can tell me, but I have chosen to fast for 3 days (mon, wed and fri) but as I am doing 3 days I am increasing my calorie intake to between 600-700 on each of those days to make it more manageable for me. I'm not sure some people would want to do 3 days but it works for me as it makes fast days more bearable.

I hope your next fast day is more positive for you.

Hi don't be too disheartened coz u have went over, I regularly go over by 50-100 cals n i although I can't weigh myself ( I broke my talus bone 2 years ago and 3 surgeries later am in casts still and non weight bearing on the limb so can't get on or off and I have no idea how much the cast weighs anyway I digress here) but my main reason for starting this was Ivd put on 1 1/2 stone since the injury because my life'styles been very sedentary as I have been walking round holding up one leg and hoping on the other with crutches so as u can imagine the weights crept up up up and I was slim but healthy before. So when I had this more recent surgery I decided I at least wasn't allowing it to get any worse so went on intermitent fasts. I don't think I've put anything on in ten weeks so in sure if your moving around N doing things eating 200 cals more isn't going to be the end of the world as a one off. If u wear eating 700/800 every fast I don't think it would work so well but as a one off blip its fine.

I'm struggling today today my tummy is grumbling despite having had chicken and stir fried veg two hours ago. I think my prob was the evening before I fast I normally have tea early ( around 4/4:30 but save about 300 cals for a supper of toast or cereal around 9 pm as I find this helps me go most of the day without cals or being too hungry.
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