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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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07 Mar 2013, 11:27
I've been doing 4:3 for several weeks now. Had no problems with 'fast' days - I eat one meal around 6pm now and drink water (apart from a 'hot cocksure' in the later afternoon if I'm desperate - how I love that phrase!!).

Anyway, to get to the point. Ordinarily I cook every day for the family. On fast days I rarely have the same as them preferring much healthier meals (why they won't eat more healthily is a whole different topic!). But, on 'feast' days I usually eat the same as them, albeit in smaller portions with more vegetables etc.

Over the past week or so I've found when dishing up the family meal and my own smaller portion I don't fancy any of it - roast dinner, home made chicken korma last night etc. I just seem to want very plain food with no trimmings. Okay, that's probably a good thing but I feel really upset because this food, that I've always loved, no longer appeals to me. Why? It's perverse and ridiculous. I'm a psychologist - I should know this. But I don't. In a way, it feels as if I'm saying 'goodbye' to a good friend, one that I've turned to for years in times of stress, upset, joy even. I'll have to give this more thought.

Just wanted to share the experience.
Re: Upset
07 Mar 2013, 11:35
Did you see my post about fish and chips? I'm practically in mourning.

I don't drink, have flings or smoke, food was my only vice!

PS Actually, it looks like we're pretty much doing the same things, over the same timescale, wonder if it is a phase, like the munchies was?
Re: Upset
07 Mar 2013, 11:48
BBT053 wrote: Did you see my post about fish and chips? I'm practically in mourning.

I don't drink, have flings or smoke, food was my only vice!

PS Actually, it looks like we're pretty much doing the same things, over the same timescale, wonder if it is a phase, like the munchies was?

I've just read it - cold chips - I totally know where you're coming from. And the week before I had the munchies, along with tantrums and a full-scale rebellion! Perhaps we should be looking at our 'inner child' who appears to be throwing the toys out of the pram? Interesting.

I don't fancy taking up smoking but I do like the odd glass of wine or gin and tonic. Flings are definitely a thing of the past, sadly, but, who knows? Maybe libido will put in an appearance as part of the journey. Now that would be interesting.

You have to laugh at yourself, don't you think?
Re: Upset
07 Mar 2013, 11:52
I suspect this is a bit of a phase as well :) It's like one extreme to the other - first of all, the munchies - taking full advantage of the 'eat anything you like', then the opposite, your body shouting about you having eaten so much rubbish and going on a super-healthy wave ... and then it balances out and you start to enjoy a bit of everything again. I've had all those things. Actually now I find it varies on a day by day or week by week basis - some days I really fancy 'bad' foods, other days all I want is lots of fruit, veg and healthy stuff. Other days I have a mix of both. I guess it's just everything settling down, I'm sure you'll enjoy those things again, just you'll feel more aware of the lack of goodness in them and will probably want to balance it with something your body will thank you for soon after!
Re: Upset
07 Mar 2013, 12:13
I commune often with my inner-child.

Yes, defo a phase then I also have the rebellion the week before!

Thanks, Moogie for the confirmation.
Re: Upset
07 Mar 2013, 15:18
It may also be that you are getting more in tune with your body and what it really wants. I am sure you won't have said good bye to those foods and is probably a phase, as Moogie suggests.
Re: Upset
07 Mar 2013, 15:45
I'm still at the beginning of my 5:2 journey but your post Moogie fills me with such hope. Your way of eating now is how my son & husband have always eaten, both have never had a weight problem, I've always been the one who had to have pudding, cakes,chocolate etc where as they can take or leave those things quite happily. The thought that this woe might reset my body is wonderful --oh to be a " normal " person around food!
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