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2nd fast day for me
07 Mar 2013, 11:47
Hi All

Second fast day for me, all seems well, sat at my desk at work, drinking black decaf tea and coffee and water. Have also taken my watch off so I am not constantly checking what time it is, how long since have have eaten and when I can eat again if you get what I mean.

Am a little hungry at the moment, but that is probably because I writing this, and thinking about the fact I haven't eaten!

Hoping to hang out to at least 3pm for some soup and then home for a chicken breast salad, I was reckoning that an average chicken breast was about 120 in calories, does that sound about right?

Good luck everyone else on their fast days

Re: 2nd fast day for me
07 Mar 2013, 12:57
Hi, this is also my 2nd Fast day. I thought I would struggle however I seem to be managing OK. I am currently sitting at my desk eating soup ww tomato soup with some chicken breast and a crackerbread and I have to say its very filling. This should keep me going until about 7pm tonight then I plan to have some Tuna Steak with noodles and a soy, garlic, chilli and ginger marinade. Looking forward to that!

Do you have much weight to lose?
Re: 2nd fast day for me
07 Mar 2013, 13:25
Hi Pixie

I would like to lose 10lb, how about yourself. Sounds like a nice lunch, I have got the remains of the certain of soup I had on my first fast day on Monday for lunch, plan to have that in the next hour, with a couple of ryvita. How much chicken are you having with lunch, and what size of tuna steak are you having, really like tuna, sounds great with noodles. Let me know the 'recipe' it would be great for my next fast evening meal.

Re: 2nd fast day for me
08 Mar 2013, 08:41
I would like to lose 10lb as well, that would take me to 9st. I weighed myself this morning and I was 9st 7lb so I have lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks. I only started the fasting this week so I'm not sure how much of that 3lbs has to do with the fasting.

I had 30g of chicken which I put in with my tomato soup to bulk it up a bit, it kept me filled until 7.30pm last night. The tuna steak was yellowfin tuna steaks from Sainsburys which are 100g each and are 137 calories. I pan fried the tuna steak for 30 seconds each side berfore remvoing from the pan, I then added 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 2 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 red chilli chopped and 2 sliced spring onion in the pan to simmer along with half a teaspoon of garlic puree and half a teaspoon of ginger puree, cooked it for a couple of minutes then added the tuna steak back into the pan to cook for another couple of minutes (or until its cooked to how you like it) then served it with 40g of fine noodles. I acually think I was about 26 calories over my 500 yesterday but to be honest I'm not going to beat myself up about that as I burned 300 calories at the gym in the morning. I have to say though it was delicious and I will def be making that again next week. What kind of things you been eating?

Re: 2nd fast day for me
08 Mar 2013, 11:36
Hi Ashley

I decided to weigh myself this morning, usually weigh on a Saturday, and I had lost a lb, was pleased, but a little disappointed, but hey I have only been doing this since Monday, and any loss is a good loss. I will sanity check it tomorrow and then stay with my usual weigh in day as Saturday, I also plan to measure my bits and bobs tomorrow morning as well.

On my fast days this week I had chicken stir fry in the evening and last night I had a chicken salad, probably had over my chicken allowance, but not by much.

I am going to give the tuna recipe ago on Monday, it sounds lovely and the sort of meal I would like to eat, I also might try and pick up some of the 1 calorie noodles from holland and barrett and give them a whirl.

I am also going to make sure I eat enough on my feast days, I think on at least one of them this week I didn't eat a big enough lunch, only had 4 ryvitas with low fat cheese spread and some sliced beef and beet root. Today I have had porridge for breakfast, and a banana and a pear. I have some carrot and coriander soup for lunch with some ryvitas etc, have a meta fit class straight after work, and not sure what I am going to have for tea, am kinda hoping other half will sort that, but the chance of that is pretty slim, so will sort that out later on.

I think for my fast days as well I am going to pick up some hummous pots, Sainsbury do some that are low in calories and have them for my lunch with some carrot sticks, and some soup, so I feel that I am chewing something!

What days are you going to fast next week?

Re: 2nd fast day for me
08 Mar 2013, 12:43
a lb is really good, especially as you dont have a lot to lose. I would go by the fit of your clothes as well, thats what helps me.

Stir frys are good for low fat meals I normally have at least of a week anyway and I find with all teh veg it fills you up . The tuna was really good and not something I would normally make (other half likes substantial man meals!. My first fast day I had Asda's turkey meatballs, it was 158 calories for 4 meatballs so I had that with 100g of steamed broccoli (49 calories) and 150g of weight watchers tomato and roasted garlic sauce. I quite like that as well and the brocolli fairly filled it out.

Are you eating 3 meals a day? I notcied some people are saving their 500 calories for a main meal in the evening, I know I couldnt cope all day without food.

On my normal days I still follow a 1200 calorie diet which I log in myfitnesspal, have you tried that website? so this morning I had 2 eggs scrambled with skimmed milk and 50g of smoked salmon and for lunch I had a quarter of a granary baguette with 60g tuna mayonnaise and a packet of Baked crips - in total its roughly 415 calories which is more than I would usually have however I'm not eating till late tonight and will probably be having a roast chicken dinner (going to the in laws, its usually a roast of some kind) so that should be fairly healthy if I stay away from the roast potatoes.

next week I plan to fast Monday and Wednesday as I have a nnight out on Thursday but I think I will alternat weeks so 1 week I will do Monday and Wednesday and the week after I will do Tuesday and Thursday.

What are your days going to be?

Re: 2nd fast day for me
08 Mar 2013, 14:19
HI Ashley

I have something in the afternoon, has been some soup, and then something again around 7pm. I am planning on having my fast days on Monday and Thursday, fits in easier with family life.

I have logged onto my fitness pal, but only really used it on my first fast day, must make an effort to use it more, might start again with it tomorrow, onwards and upwards and all that!

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