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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Spacey feeling .
16 Mar 2013, 18:42

I did day one of the fast yesterday. Felt a bit light headed but ok. Today I still feel this way. Does this change as your body gets used to it? I don t mind being hungry but I can't deal w spacey if it s always going to feel like this.

Also , I m doing this primarily for health and spiritual reasons. I wouldn't mind losing a few pounds but i am fairly thin to begin with. Does weight loss happen for people who only have a small amount of weight o lose?

Re: Spacey feeling .
16 Mar 2013, 19:09
i did feel light headed on my first day but put it down to thinking about it too much ( thinking about all the calories I wasn't going to consume for that day!!)
I have just completed fast 19 and have never felt like it since. Hope this helps.
Re: Spacey feeling .
17 Mar 2013, 13:40
I was super nervous about my first fast day, and I think nerves got to me as well. But I really don't get spacey or light headed, even when I do a lot of walking on a fast day. I would give it another go or two and see how you do. Keep a nutritious but sweet snack (like a ripe piece of fruit) with you just in case. It will fix a low-blood sugar problem very quickly. The great thing about this plan is it's so flexible. If you are feeling faint or ill, just eat something!!
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