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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I'm well on my way!
18 Mar 2013, 14:24
I decided today to try (for the first time) fasting all day until dinner tonight. Amazingly I am finding it easier than either three small meals or skipping breakfast and having lunch and dinner.

I am no more hungry right now than if I had had a small lunch. I have been drinking herbal tea, water and coffee.

Only 3 and a half hours ish to go until an early dinner. I will be so pleased with myself if I can make it.

I am also not scared any more of being active while fasting. I had a good walk this morning and I am just about to go out to do some gardening :like:
Re: I'm well on my way!
18 Mar 2013, 14:33
Hey, yes I got through with tea, coffee and a banana. I prepared a meal for the family but wasn't tempted to pick. Made it until 630 when I had a boiled egg on toast. Just had some cereal before bed but essentially I did 24 hours. I think I might do this in the future so I can enjoy the evening meal with the family.
Re: I'm well on my way!
18 Mar 2013, 15:30
I've been doing the same as you for a few weeks now, and although the afternoon can feel a bit long and hungry it makes evening so much more comfortable to leave almost all my calories for my dinner! Just having yet another cup of herb tea before I put our dinner together :grin:
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