The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Today is my 2nd fast day and I'm feeling really hungry right now. It is the late afternoon (4:30) and that is when I tend to get hungry even on a non fast day.
I know that this will pass in a few hours, plus I will be eating dinner in the next hour or so, so I just have to suck it up! :grin: .

What are some things that you all have done to get your mind off of food when all you can think about is FOOD?

Is there something you enjoy? A cup of favourite tea? A good book? A walk? A bath? A show? Distract-distract-distract! (Or have an early dinner....:-) )
I find that I have to keep myself busy, in the house or the garden. I also give myself a good talking to about the reasons I want to lose weight and whether they are more important than the immediate gratification of eating. Doing some form of exercise is also supposed to work, although I am not very keen on it myself! Of course you could always bring forward some, if not all, of your 500c evening meal and satisfy your hungry thoughts that way. However, if you can wait out the hunger pangs, they usually pass after about twenty minutes - although that doesn't always deal with your mental needs! I also spend some time on this forum reading or responding to posts - you can't eat and type at the same time!

Hope this helps. Stay strong - this WOE does work!
I must admit I divide my calories up between breakfast and tea and leave about 80 calories for lunch. That way I never get to the point of feeling really starving. The first day was the worst, since then it has got easier and I just say to myself, I can have whatever I fancy tomorrow if I really want to. I have exercised and kept busy most fast days and that definitely helps.
SF gum is a help for me in the late afternoon or sometimes a diet orange soda.
At 4:30 in the afternoon I tend to drink a pint of tea, which keeps me going for several hours at least..
I have an instant miso soup,hardly any calories. You could try ringing a friend when hungry,or even going to the mirror grabbing a fat bit and talking to your self about why you are doing this, that mind is more powerful than your stomach! Leave the house,go for walk,take a water bottle with you till the urge to eat subsides...wash your car...? You should also make sure you eat protien on a fast day,it helps curb hunger.
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