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first fast day tomro
24 Mar 2013, 19:43
Hi. Starting with my first fast day tomro. I have a 6 week old baby and 21lbs to shift. If anyone has any tips or ideas of how to get thru my first day and to lose weight as healthily as possible,they would be greatly appreciated.

I hope you all have had a good weekend :clover:
Re: first fast day tomro
24 Mar 2013, 19:56
Hi Catherine and welcome! :)

Congrats on the new baby! Can I please just ask whether you are breastfeeding as this way of eating isn't recommended for those ladies who are, partly due to the number of calories that are used by lactation and partly due to changes that have been seen in breast milk in studies that have been done.

Sorry to put you off while you're so keen, but better to let you know before you start. :)
Re: First fast day tomro
25 Mar 2013, 11:53
Hi Jemima
I breast feed/ expressed for a month but couldn't continue due to cracks and carpel tunnel syndrome - was painful holding Aimee and didn't feel safe. So I'm bottle feeding my little girl and she is thriving :victory:

So this morning at 9.30 i had ready brek with half milk and half water and some blueberries and cam to about 200cals. So for dinner i will have a small portion of spag boul. I finished my tea last night at 7.30pm.

How are you finding it? What days do you fast?

Lovely hearing from you

Catherine :clover:
Re: first fast day tomro
25 Mar 2013, 12:14
Hi Catherine,

Welcome to the weight warriers and congratulations on having, what I'm sure is a vey beautiful daughter and she has a really lovely name. The fact that you have chosen to do this shows a certain amount of commitment. All I would say to anyone starting out is, experiment until you have a way of doing this that suits you. There is no correct way to do this but a lot of people, myself included, find that breaking your fast as late as possible works for them, unlike my husband I am not a breakfast person. So, off you go and enjoy it, good luck and let us all know how you get on and hugs to Aimee,

Ballerina x
Re: first fast day tomro
25 Mar 2013, 17:05
Hi Ballerina
Thanks for the reply..Aimee is a very happy content little baby so far and once the snow goes away we will get out walking..looking firwsrd to thus heat wave they are talking about - at the minute i'll take any temp over 0 degrees!
First day going ok i guess...Aimee is a good distraction tho getn hungry now but will hold off as long as possible. Have just been having tea, coffee and bovril..a childhood favourite.

Good luck
Catherine :clover:
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