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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I gave away all my 'fat clothes' last January when I reached my SW target weight - a stone over the healthy BMI range but I'm a curvy girl and happy to be a comfy size 12 which I am at 11 - 11.5 stone. It took me two years to get to target (dropped 3st 3) and along the way I found my knee pain and chronic heartburn eased if not disappeared entirely.

Stress, stopping exercise due to medical issues and an operation at the end of last year saw the lbs creeping back on, and although I rejoined SW in jan this year, I just haven't been able to focus. I was coming away from meetings feeling depressed not inspired, and I was struggling to get there anyway due to hubby working away. However, I HAD to do something as warmer days were (ARE) looming and I knew that I wasn't ale to coast along in accommodating jersey wrap dresses as I have been all winter :confused:

I actually read mimi's article in the DM but paid little attention, and I can't remember what made it pop into my mind the other day, but I googled it and spent a lot of time reading both amazon reviews and these forums. That was Monday 8th, and I told myself if I could survive a trial fast day I would order the book. I did, and I placed my order the next day! I have some inflammatory problems and figured I might as well try something which might help that as well.

I have never been on a diet that has worked as well and as easily, not to mention cheaply. For the first time in many years I actually feel in control and optimistic that I might just make it ALL the way to the healthy weight category :smile:
For me, I had done other diets, always put the weight, and more, back on. With my illness (which in fact is the reason I out weight on, before I used to just exercise it off), I don't have the energy for thinking about dieting, so every time I get ill (on top of my long term illness that is), the diet just went and never got back to it. So I had been thinking I ought to try again, but the moment that made me decide to start now, was when I was buying trousers and I had to get I size 18.
I'd been thinking about it for ages since seeing the programme on TV but it was booking some flights to the USA that was the final motivator. The idea of being squashed into an airline seat for 13 hours and even worse the thought of perhaps having to ask for a seatbelt extension was what tipped me over the edge to finally give it a try!
I have never dieted, I had a fast metabolism. But as I've grown older, it has slowed down. My Dr. said she wouldn't worry about my weight until I hit 170 lb - well in the last few weeks I've crept over 160. No way was I going in to be told I need to diet and no way was I going to go up another clothes size! I want that muffintop gone! It happened that about the time I was getting fed up with the weight, that the Eat Fast Live Longer program aired here in the US. I was afraid of restricting myself 24/7 (especially chocolate!), and this seemed a relatively easy way to go. I've only fasted 4 times, but already I notice that my craving for chocolate is reduced! Amazing!
Last summer, about June, I decided that I would make a serious effort to dump some fat, once and for all! I decided that instead of going on another 'guaranteed to fail' diet I would just keep reducing my calorie intake, bit by bit, 10% for a week or so then another 5-10% etc. I had heard, and read, about IF many times over the years and always meant to give it a go, then the lovely Dr MM entered my life via the Horizon programme and that was it, love at first sight, for the diet not the Dr even though he is dishy.

Here I am, at my target weight, where I never, ever, thought I'd be again, stable, healthy, happy and forever grateful to Dr MM.

I know the science behind this way of life is, as yet, unproven but how can a regime that makes you feel, and look, SO well, be bad for you?

I'm in it for life, don't care what the naysayers say,

Ballerina x
I first heard about 5/2 on 'the Food Programme' and as I yo-yoed practically all my life, I put in a bit of research. The science may not 'officially' have been proven, I am convinced about the health benefits, as they seem to make perfect sense. I inadvertently slipped into a fast day, erm repair day today, which makes this my seventh. Ever so grateful for this forum, it's so full of information and encouraging stories. So thank you all and have a great weekend.
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