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I survived my first meal out!!!
25 Mar 2013, 22:13
Hello all!
It's a big holiday in Greece today and tradition wants everybody to eat fried cod with garlic mashed taties. I usually cook it for my family but this time a friend of mine and I decided to head to a restaurant that specialises in seafood and has a very good all-you-can-order deal.
To be honest, I was terrified of today. It was after the weekend (when I usually eat and drink more) and when I go to this place I just can't stop eating.
This time it was different. Not just today but the entire long weekend. I ate less than I expected on all days and today I managed to stop almost when I felt full. I even had less ouzo than I usually do!!! And I only had two ts of the on-the-house dessert and no ice cream later.
This is all new to me, I am rather surprised, I wonder if I was abducted by aliens and they replaced me with a sensible clone of mine...
It's fasting day tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. It will be the first time that I won't be at home, so I've already packed some fruit and corn&rice cakes for when I get hungry. My thought is to try it tomorrow and if I fail I will fast properly on Wednesday, when I'll be at home almost all day.
I know it's too soon to tell if I'll lose any weight but I really like the new mentality that 5:2 is introducing to my life!!!
Congratulations - that sounds like amazing progress!
Thanks! I think so too but -let's face it- I am biased, LOL!
Nice to somebody from my "spiritual home" on the forum.My self and my OH were wondering how we were going to manage this WOL when we go out to Crete in May . Do we continue with our fast days or maybe indulge in our most favourite foods in the whole wide world. At the moment its go for normal fast days, we'll see when we sit at that tavena overlooking the sea in the village !! Happy days. Well done though on your new found mentality that is 5:2
weaselsmummy wrote: Nice to somebody from my "spiritual home" on the forum.My self and my OH were wondering how we were going to manage this WOL when we go out to Crete in May . Do we continue with our fast days or maybe indulge in our most favourite foods in the whole wide world. At the moment its go for normal fast days, we'll see when we sit at that tavena overlooking the sea in the village !! Happy days. Well done though on your new found mentality that is 5:2

I have asked meself this question a few times. I was wondering whether I could continue this if I went on a holiday in London. It is feasible, but I know me and I wouldn't make it. But I know that I will probably eat less than usual since my appetite is already reduced, so even eating less will please me!
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