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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Feed day today (on week 2 only), I went to Starbucks to get a skinny latte as a treat for the bus journey on the way home, and didn't get my favourite lemon and poppyseed muffin. :bugeyes:

I almost feel like because nothing is banned as such on feed days, I don't want them as much... does anyone else find this?

When I got home I had a be good to yourself hummus snack pot with some celery. It was yummy!

Kits :)
I just had a piece of fruit cake I just couldn't refuse it ha ha I can not live without the odd piece of cake, I don't eat chocolate very often but my weakness is cake and I do eat it twice a week too!!!! I have got hot cross buns and rum cake in the office as well as biscuits and I haven't touched them. Leaving work now in 10 mins as well and I am really looking forward to my lamb stir fry (feed day for me also) and a nice glass of red wine.

It is very strange having unhealthy food around me and not obsessing about eating it anymore

Well done btw!!! :cool:
Yes! Yesterday I turned down dessert after lunch and ice cream at home. It's weird, I never did that before. Perhaps I mutated...
Well done, they used to be my favourite too but now I find myself thinking I'll get a nice salad as a treat! It's really weird tbo can't get my head round it but not complaining!
I just went and stood in front of the chocolate in the supermarket and then turned and walked away.

I ate lots of ice cream the other day but I felt ill...sad, really. But eyes on the prize, losing weight is good for me! :-)
I have turned down some cake on this WOE but did accept someone's offer to buy me cake today - but tomorrow's a fast day so hoping it will balance out. I am still below TDEE
I can remember the first time that I chose not to have a piece of cake. It was the most extraordinary feeling! It wasn't an isolated incident either because it has happened several times since then, although not always with cake but with other 'desirable' foods too. Mind you, I have eaten cake, hot cross buns etc but only when I really wanted one not just because they were there! I love this WOE!
Yes, one of the things I love about 5:2 is that it teaches me to make better choices with food. I've never been a big person, but believe me, I can put the food down. The last time I overate was over a week ago. Two big pints of beer (I'm only 5'3") and an enormous Cuban sandwich (bread, pork, cheese) on top of a mountain of French fries. I ate everything with about half a container of ketchup. After licking the last bit of salty sweet ketchup off my thumb, I immediately felt ill. When I stood up, I started to wobble. I abruptly ended a conversation I was having with a gentleman next to me, and I went home and went straight to bed. I just lay in bed moaning, unable to sleep. After all the fasting I had been doing, my system just went into shock. I could not handle that kind of food again. The next day, I began my fast a day earlier. I felt fasting was the most sensible thing to do after eating like that. I fasted and fasted until I felt better again. And now I have learned my lesson. No more fries.
We always have a pile of junk food in the office.
On Monday (fast day) I didn't feel like I was missing out and smiled to myself listening to the complaints of "feeling sick" and "sugar crashes" from my colleagues.
Yesterday I ignored the doughnuts, giant cookies and cheesecake and enjoyed one custard cream.
I really hope that this continues once I have reached my goal, it's fantastic!
I ate a scoop of icecream and a rode of chocolate covered pretzel. It was the little devil on my left shoulder that told me to.
I just had three chocs from our box from Hotel Chocolate, but I DID resist them yesterday when my OH was having some, because it was my first fast .
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