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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Shift Worker advice please
28 Mar 2013, 21:42
Hi Everyone,

I'm a newbie to the 5:2, but 3 weeks in and I'm feeling this is already part of my life. Not got lots to lose and am hugely into my fitness anyway (weights, spinning, other classes), so fingers crossed for some good extra health benefits.

Just a couple of questions on how to manage it from any fellow shift workers out there please. I'm a paramedic working 12+ hour shifts, although part-time, 2-3 shifts a week. Up to now I'm a bit nervous of fasting whilst at work, I'm usually one to keep my food and drink intake up throughout, as the shifts can obviously be demanding and the hours long (protein shakes, nuts and seeds, soup, toast etc are my staples to keep me going, with the odd treat too). But maybe that will change with time and confidence and I'll see me fasting at work, not sure.

But how to manage fasting round say 3 consecutive nightshifts which just completely mess up your whole system and whole patterns anyway?

Any advice welcome, particularly those in similar situations....
Hugs all xxx
Re: Shift Worker advice please
29 Mar 2013, 10:22
Hi LiveLoveLaughEms and welcome to the forum!

Seems like you are off to a very good start and all your exercise should go perfectly with 5:2. The fasting does get easier as your body adapts (I think because it gets better at starting to burn fat instead of / as well as glycogen), so combining fasting with work might get easier too.

But I am not a shift worker myself so I can't really advise. I suggest you do a search for:
shift work
in the google custom search box at the bottom of the left-hand menu, this throws up quite a few posts about this.

Hope you stick around here even - given your work pattern - at odd times!
Re: Shift Worker advice please
30 Mar 2013, 08:26
I regularly work night shifts and after a few false starts my pattern is as follows. I give myself more than 500 calories though normally 600 if I'm working as it gives me a bit more leeway foodwise.

Finish working night shift.

Eat something before bed. So for me it's a sandwich and crisps.

Sleep. :smile:

Between waking up and going to bed the next morning eat 600 cals.

Sleep. Then start eating normally again at tea time.

This way gets the 'two sleeps' in.

I don't know what kind of breaks/work you do but I find having lots of snacky things to eat works for me. My main meal will be something at around 300 calories, then lots of 'bits' to eat. Melon, pickled onions, crackers, salad, hummous and cucumber sticks. I don't like sitting down and eating or drinking nothing at break time. It's working for me this way.

My second fast day I do normally through the day with one 500 cal meal. I haven't done a week where I've done two fast days on nights (It makes sense to me!).
Re: Shift Worker advice please
30 Mar 2013, 18:54
Thank you so much for your advice and support lovelies.

And Cheryl that's great, really helpful. Our patterns can be all over particularly with nightshifts but how you've explained it makes perfect sense, thank you. Yep, lots of snacky things to keep me going through any of my shifts and then the 300 for the 'meal'.

And yes dominic, my posts and contributions might also be popping up at strange hours too #lovesherIphone !!

Thanks again x
Re: Shift Worker advice please
30 Mar 2013, 22:45
Hi used to work nights but not since starting 5:2 so not speaking from experience. Do you do your shifts altogether or split? I would try doing my 1st fast on the last night as if you're like me my energy doesn't dip till the day after. Have some fruit &veg handy just incase you feel the need of something. I'm sure if you think back there have probably been lots of times when you've had shifts when you've been too busy to eat & managed fine!
Re: Shift Worker advice please
31 Mar 2013, 20:54
Thanks Ginty, good idea and yes, when I think about it I have probably not been far off the restricted cals at work before!
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