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Blown it :-(
31 Mar 2013, 19:50
Well, I've well and truly blown it today. I was doing fine until about 4pm, then I gave in to the temptation of the wee Lindor chocolate animals in the cupboard. After that it was the spicy Moroccan crackers, a handful of crisps then a glass of wine with dinner. By that point, I'd given up on the idea of fasting today. Think my 'sod it' mentality is partly due to not having lost weight for a while (only 5lbs in 11 weeks, with lots of gains and STS along the way) and partly due to needing comfort food/booze thanks to some domestic upset. Feeling really disappointed with myself and hoping I can get back into the right frame of mind tomorrow and later in the week. Anyone else ever had a day like this? :cry:
Re: Blown it :-(
31 Mar 2013, 20:00
I've had days where I've wanted to give up for the day, but I'm a stubborn old cow so thus far I've managed not to turn fast to feast. Don't worry though, it's only one day, you can make it up another day when you're in the right frame of mind for it :) this had to fit around your life and not the other way around.

Have you had anyone here look at why your loss is slower than average? Still, enjoying your food and losing weight overall is no bad thing!
Re: Blown it :-(
31 Mar 2013, 20:04
Not yet but I'm quite new to this.
To be honest I don't think that you did something very horrible. I mean, I don't know how many of the treats you ate but if they are all you ate then you probably didn't exceed 1000 calories. Which is not bad at all!!!
My advice to you would be to not try to fast again tomorrow. I think that it's probably better to give it a day of sensible eating and then try to fast on the day after.
Also, if you feel unwell and you think that you can't fast at all, perhaps it would be better if you stopped for a while. IMO, trying to do something when you aren't ready and then fail in the procedure you aren't doing any good to yourself.
That's my twopence for you...
Re: Blown it :-(
31 Mar 2013, 20:08
We've all been there! Look at it this way, you made it through to 4pm so you could call it a mini-fast if you wanted. I dont advocate it on a regular basis, but a sod-it day can sometimes kick start you after a few weeks stalling. Tomorrow is a whole new day!
Re: Blown it :-(
31 Mar 2013, 20:54
Just this past week I could see that my Thursday fast day wasn't going to go as well as I wanted. So, I decided "screw it" (the US version of sod-it) and turned it into a sensible feed day. It wasn't that I wanted to pork out, it was just that what I really wanted to eat wasn't going to come in at <500. So I made an executive decision that Friday would be my fast day and ate what I wanted. I didn't feel that I had to overeat just because I had "blown it," because I hadn't. I had just decided to make things work my way. Then, Friday went just fine.

One of the main reasons I have not achieved goals in the past (in dieting, in fitness, in life) is my all-or-nothing thinking (also known as perfectionism). It is so counter-productive. At the ripe old age of 64, I have learned that I don't have to be 100% perfect in what I eat or what I do. No, I don't have to walk for 90 minutes at a crack, I can walk 10 or 20 or whatever now and do a little more later.

Tomorrow is another day--another opportunity to make progress.

It is so liberating to feel like this!
Re: Blown it :-(
31 Mar 2013, 21:32
Oh dear, starmaker, you are having a bad day! You are not the first, and assuredly won't be the last, one to overeat on a fast day, or a non-fasting day, come to that! It is not the end of the world, although it may feel like that to you at the moment. The next step is up to you now. Why don't you put today behind you, eat normally tomorrow and then try fasting again on Tuesday? Or, if you are still not feeling up to it then, wait until you are ready.

Why don't you give Moogie some more information on what you have been eating so that she can give you some help on why you are losing weight slowly? It is very difficult to keep motivated when your weight loss is slow, or non-existent.

Whatever, you decide - good luck and keep us informed!
Re: Blown it :-(
31 Mar 2013, 21:48
Hmmm, strange - I'm sure I replied about half an hour ago but it seems to have disappeared. :confused:

Oh well. What I said was thanks to all of you for making me feel better - you're all very kind! :-)

Also, Moogie: I know exactly why I'm losing weight so slowly - it's because I absolutely refuse to count/restrict calories on a feast day! I've been on many different diets over the years and it's always the daily counting/pointing that drives me to give up every time. What attracted me to this WOE was the fact that you don't have to do that, although I know that quite a lot of people do. But, that's their choice and this is mine, so I know I have to accept the consequences of that, ie that I'll lose weight much more slowly than others. And although I sometimes do get fed up at my lack of progress, I'd much rather do it this way than watch what I eat every day.
Re: Blown it :-(
31 Mar 2013, 21:50
I quite agree with the posts so far. Forget about it being a bad day... It is a holiday after all. And yes, I have had a similar day- good until dinner with wine, then a bit of cheese, then some choc. Tomorrow is another day!
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