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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hello peeps

Have been on this WOL for 7 weeks, and lost 2 lb in the first week and not really any since (down lb, then up lb). Realising that have had special occasions every weekend from hubbies birthday, mums birthday, 2 hotel weekend away, mothers day and today Easter so overeating big time! Not holding back on the treats and don't know why I am eating all naughty food in sight most Sundays. Shame because I am soooo good in the week and enjoy my Monday and Thursday FAST days.

Really trying to get to grips as know my downfall - bingeing at weekend! Just don't know how to stop myself.

Anyone else do this?

Absolutely I do this.
For some reason I have always treated the weekend as a mini holiday, even before 5:2 and it drives me insane. However before I used to just write the rest of the week off feeling I had failed myself again.
Now I go straight into a Monday fast, no matter whether I had a successful weekend eating wise or not. Psychologically this gives me a sense of control at least.
In any case Easter is a hard time, especially with kids in the house!
Hi Elli
Why not cut back on calories during the week on feed days that would give you a bit extra for the weekends. Believe it's meant to be good to mix up cal intake.

I used to do it before I started 5:2 and I'll probably do it again when I reach my goal weight.

I think that it's because we let go during the weekends, we don't work, we try to blow some steam, forget our stress and do all the things we like the most.

What I plan to do while I use 5:2 to lose weight is to not overdo it on both days. Also, I try to not overdo it with both food and alcohol on the same day.

Before 5:2, I had a LOT to drink on Saturday night, then I hit the bakery before going to bed on Sunday morning and on Sunday evening I either went out for an early dinner or ate a huge dinner at home (one big pizza or a couple of kebabs with dessert).

What I do now is choose either. Last weekend, it was a huge meal out on Monday (it was a long weekend so I included Monday in the weekend).
This weekend it was drinking all night long Saturday till Sunday morning and instead of hitting the bakery I just ate an ice cream.
Next weekend, I'll probably do the big meal out again.

So, how about overdoing it one day of the two?
After watching 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' one thing really stuck in my mind (aside from the obvious message of how bad low fat foods are for us!) - the fact that if we overeat one day, we really ought to compensate for the excess by consuming less the next day, although most people do not. This is something I have tried to take on board and now if I overeat considerably on a Friday or Saturday (or both!) for example I try to cut back on the Sunday by just eating fruit/veg or having a mini fast until my normal Sunday roast in the evening.

If it's a full on weekend of indulgence for whatever reason - multiple social occasions etc - then I try to balance that a bit more with my midweek feed days, by focussing on not snacking and on bulking out my dinners with veg and less carbs.

I don't see this as 'dieting' in addition to 5:2, especially not considering the overeating I'd have to do to make me reduce on the other days ;) It's just a way of taking control to balance my intake. Having seen it mentioned by the food lady on 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' it seemed to make perfect sense to apply this to real life.

Actually many of us who do indulge somewhat at the weekends, and redress this balance during the week have found these weeks to be better for weight loss than weeks in which we have tried to be 'generally good' on all feed days. That is to say it would appear that a real mixture of calorie intakes from day to day (assuming of course that there is still a deficit over the course of the week) will have a better impact on weight loss than if we simply stick to our TDEEs every feed day.
I've been on 5:2 for about the same amount of time and often do the same thing. Easter has been a nightmare as far as overeating and drinking and I am now feeling very uncomfortable. However if I was indulging like this and not doing 5:2 I would have put weight on.
I'm hoping for a couple of non eventful weekends to get back on track, here's fingers crossed.
Moogie wrote: After watching 'The Men Who Made Us Fat' one thing really stuck in my mind (aside from the obvious message of how bad low fat foods are for us!) - the fact that if we overeat one day, we really ought to compensate for the excess by consuming less the next day, although most people do not. This is something I have tried to take on board and now if I overeat considerably on a Friday or Saturday (or both!) for example I try to cut back on the Sunday by just eating fruit/veg or having a mini fast until my normal Sunday roast in the evening..

This is exactly what I did yesterday. I had a sort of emergency fast if you will, I drank a lot Sat night and then ordered a midnight pizza, what was I thinking?! So yesterday I fasted, weigh in was the the morning and what d'ya know, I've lost 2lbs! Before starting 5:2 I would have had some pizza for breakfast too! Not any more, I managed to claw it back and I remain in control. Amazing. :oops:
I don't EVERY weekend, but seems at least one day a week I go WAY over what I consider "reasonable". Easter was pretty calorific! I started so well, with a healthy breakfast and at Easter lunch I ate a lot of salad and a small amount of other things..but we were there all day and I overdid on sweets. Oh well its a fast day today, and a fresh week. The good thing about this WOE is that even when I overdo, I don't stall forever like on many diets. It may keep me losing for a day or two, then I will be back on track.
Great to hear I'm not entirely on my own with week-end over indulgence. Thanks for your replies.

Taking on board everyones suggestions and fingers crossed wont be too tempted this week-end.

Though the beauty of this WOL is that come Monday, like today, it's like a breath of fresh air and look forward to the FAST as know feel better during the day and even though haven't lost lots of weight I haven't put on any really. If I hadn't been doing the two fast days I would be more than likely a stone heavier with the bingeing!

Also today was great as we went to Bluewater (my favourite haunt) and we ate out at Browns Restaurant and I had a starter for lunch of asparagus wrapped in Prosciuitto ham with poached egg (no hollandaise sauce) so sure that was a very low cal lunch and only had jelly and cups of tea rest of the day. Feel better already the day after a binge!

Thanks again for listening and advice.

I do exactly this so it's good to hear I´m not alone, I tend to really overdo it at the weekend using the "eat whatever you want" line as an excuse and have vowed that this is the weekend that it ends!

Good luck and I´ll let you know if I come up with any top tips to avoid the binging that don't mean becoming a social recluse!
Have eaten way too much rubbish over Easter and am not looking forward to weigh in day later this week. Have a fast day before then so hope this will kick start a bout of sensibleness! My problem is gave up smoking 6 months ago and I seem to have developed a sweet tooth - in fact several - and so put on several pounds which has made me feel awful!!
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