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Shall I give it a go?
02 Apr 2013, 14:43

I am new and bought the book at the weekend and have read it through.
I completed Slimming World starting just over three years ago and going from 13 stone to 9stone 10 pounds at my lowest.
I am 5ft 3 so was significantly overweight - now I am a size 14/12, I did get to a 12 top and 10 bottom and would love to be back there again.

I am now 10stone 6 pounds and only 7 weeks away from my big 40. I really would love to reach my first ever goal I had 9stone 7 pounds.

I still go to Slimming World and have made a committment now to go every week whether or not I feel I have gained or not. It has been hard to keep doing Slimming World having got a little complacent now and I feel a new challenge, a kick start and something to work alongside a more healthy eating plan I have now adopted.

I am frightened of the hungry feeling and also whether or not this will work.

Any advice or guidance would be great.


Re: Shall I give it a go?
02 Apr 2013, 15:23
Hi Vicki - don't be frightened of the hungry feeling - you do get used to it and realise that you're not going to fade away with hunger just 'cos you've not eaten for 24 hours. It's actually a wonderful liberating feeling. Personally, for me, this beats WW and SW hands down, absolutely no competition - but we're all different and it truly is whatever works for you. For me the 2 day fasting and then 5 days of not having to calorie count (without eating everything in sight of course) has been a whole new WOL and there is no turning back. You say you've made a committment to go every week to SW - if you've paid subs in advance then it'd be a shame to waste them.... if not then you've got the choice. It'd be great if you could give 5:2 a go and see how it works for you. It's free and this forum is full of fantastic help/advice/support that you may need along the way. :clover: in whatever you decide.
Re: Shall I give it a go?
02 Apr 2013, 15:33
Hi Vicky
I'd echo Suchard007's comments, 5:2 is working for me and the hunger is definitely survivable. Some people have found that after doing SW there's an initial increase with 5:2, but that does seem to settle down after a month or so. Have a look through the topics and you will see what folks have said. I would definitely say give 5:2 a go whenever you're ready. Good luck!
Re: Shall I give it a go?
02 Apr 2013, 15:35
:oops: *Vicki*!!
Re: Shall I give it a go?
02 Apr 2013, 16:54
Definitely give it a go! It's free and there is so much wisdom and support on here. I was worried about feeling hungry, shakey etc when fasting but to echo Suchard007 it's good to cope with hunger and know that you can deal with it. I always thought I had to eat every few hours and especially before going to bed but its not the case. I can skip breakfast and lunch and function on 500 calories on a fast day.
Re: Shall I give it a go?
02 Apr 2013, 16:55
Definitely give it a go! It's free and there is so much wisdom and support on here. I was worried about feeling hungry, shakey etc when fasting but to echo Suchard007 it's good to cope with hunger and know that you can deal with it. I always thought I had to eat every few hours and especially before going to bed but its not the case. I can skip breakfast and lunch and function on 500 calories on a fast day. :clover: good luck
Re: Shall I give it a go?
02 Apr 2013, 16:57
Oops sorry to repeat myself!
Re: Shall I give it a go?
02 Apr 2013, 18:36
Hi Vicki, as a lapsed SW person, I would say give 5:2 a go. I don't think there is anything wrong with SW but the boredom factor eventually sets in and you start slacking. I lost 2 1/2 stone on SW, but then put 1 stone back on when I stopped classes as I thought I could keep going on my own - WRONG! To be honest, I probably still stick to SW food choices during the week (whether on fast days or non fast days) but 2 x 500 cal days gives you more leeway to switch off from the syns at weekends and still lose weight. Also, I have found that fasting gives you better control over your appetite and the urge to snack between meals diminishes. I always thought that SW was good at pointing you towards the right food choices but didn't help much with portion control.
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