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How did you do in Easter?
02 Apr 2013, 17:25
I know that we have some members who weigh themselves more often that the "normal.
If you are one of them and you weighed yourself before and after Easter, how did you do?
Easter in Greece is in 5 weeks and I already worry about gaining weight. I know that our Easter is an eternal food feast but you have the hot cross buns and Easter eggs which give a chance to overeat.
Re: How did you do in Easter?
03 Apr 2013, 08:50
Hm. I weighed myself Saturday morning, and again Tuesday morning, following my fast on Monday. I was exactly the same. So not that bad really, as I did over indulge rather (not so much on choc, but food and wine. And bread and cheese, my biggest downfall...).

Fasting again today, will weigh on Friday morning (and probably tomorrow too, I'm bleddy hopeless, can't resist).

Just googled Paul Lovering btw, are you referring to the footballer or the artist :)
Re: How did you do in Easter?
03 Apr 2013, 11:55
Sounds like you did well!!!

I too weigh everyday, I guess it's a passion, LOL!

The footy player, he's my cousin.
Re: How did you do in Easter?
03 Apr 2013, 20:27
I think I would have a break down if I weighed every day, but each to their own. I had a bun and an egg, a big one then fasted on the Monday, it's all good :)
Re: How did you do in Easter?
03 Apr 2013, 20:40
I would have a break down if I don't. I would die of anxiety...

Just an egg and a bun? I'll tell you what I ate after our Easter and you'll be shocked!!!
Re: How did you do in Easter?
03 Apr 2013, 21:14
My OH and I will be celebrating both Easters. Easter 1.0 (as the OH calls it) was good--we enjoyed the holiday food prepared by his family (especially the cheesy potatoes). We were able to escape without any leftovers, so it wasn't difficult to get back on track Monday.

I'm more concerned about Easter 2.0 in May (again, the OH), as I'll be the one doing the cooking. I'm afraid I might go a bit overboard making our goodies. :) I'll have to show some restraint, or invite a ton of friends over to enjoy the paschal bounty.
Re: How did you do in Easter?
03 Apr 2013, 21:19
TML13, what's your favorite Easter recipe? I really enjoy trying recipes from different cultures, especially for Easter. I'll be making my first lamb roast this year. Any suggestions?

If you're not a cook, I apologize for the inquiry. :)
Re: How did you do in Easter?
03 Apr 2013, 21:54
I am a cook, but I cheat regarding the leftovers: I cook at my parents' place which means that they get to keep all the leftovers and I get back to an empty fridge, LOL!

Before I tell you, I have a question: do you like/eat lamb offal? If not, I'll give you me second favourite recipe.
Re: How did you do in Easter?
04 Apr 2013, 12:15
I'll take your second favorite. :) I'm not even sure how I'd find offal in the US--lamb itself is sort of hard to find. I've had haggis once, at a Burns Dinner, but I'm pretty sure the organizers smuggled it in from Canada. It was much tastier than I expected--it reminded me of liverwurst mixed with oatmeal.

We're bizarrely disconnected from the sources of our meat--I wouldn't be surprised to find children here who assume boneless and skinless is the natural state of a chicken breast. ;-)
Re: How did you do in Easter?
04 Apr 2013, 13:05
Yes, many children probably think that fish swims in cartons covered in breadcrumbs, LOL!
My second favourite is a bread stuffed with cheese and butter that we make for Easter Sunday (we also celebrate the Resurrection on Saturday at midnight).
I don't follow an exact recipe but the concept is this:
I make a bread dough using 500grms of flour, 1 cube of fresh yeast, 1 cup of lukewarm , 4 eggs, salt, sugar and as much water as it takes to make the dough.
I used the milk and sugar to dilute the yeast and let it rise for 30 minutes before making the dough.
I also let the dough rest in a warm place for around an hour, till it doubles its volume.

When the dough is ready to make the bread, I separate it in two equal parts and roll them pizza thick. On each piece, I rub about 2 TS of butter and I put crumbled feta cheese on one and grated pecorino cheese on the other.
I close them to form two sausages and then roll them together and form a round shape.
I put it on a baking tray and let it rest.
At this point I preheat the oven at 180C.
Before baking, I sprinkle water on it and then grated gouda or edam cheese and sesame on top. If I find both black and white sesame, I use both.
It takes around 45 to 55 minutes to bake, depending on your oven.
The name of this is tyrokouloura (round bread with cheese).
If you want, you can put an Easter egg in the middle before baking.
The result should look like that: ... 131&ty=109
Re: How did you do in Easter?
04 Apr 2013, 13:39
Oh, thank you! That looks wonderful! I'll definitely add it to our Pascha basket this year! Our church has a big party in the wee hours of the morning, after the vigil and midnight divine liturgy. I'm always exhausted when it's done, but it's so much fun.
Re: How did you do in Easter?
04 Apr 2013, 17:11
You are most welcome!
Ah, sounds like lots of fun! What do you eat after the midnight liturgy?
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