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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 10:35
So my usual fasting days are Tuesday and Thursday.. I fasted on Tuesday, and then, as is normal for me, only managed much smaller portions yesterday. I did have some fudge and chocolate throughout the day too!

Well anyway, today I woke up really quite hungry (probably due to chocolate and fudge consumption!) so I've decided to fast tomorrow instead. Usually, on Tuesdays I feel "ready" to fast after the weekend, however I'm beginning to think that just one day between fasts means that I'm not really giving myself a break, since the day in between is usually a lighter than normal day. I'm considering switching and doing Monday and Thursday as fast days, but I have a ballet class on Monday evenings so I don't know if fasting is a good idea....

Does anyone else feel the same? What about exercising on fast days?
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 10:39
Hi Jolie
I think a few people on here have said that eercising on a fast day is ok, just take it a bit easy to start make sure u have enough water etc

I am thinking of swapping from tue/thu also but my exercise of choice (Zumba) is a monday lunchtime so am not sure if i could do it

Might give it a try next week as i always find thursdays harder to fast than tuesdays

Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 10:43
I was thinking the same thing so will do Monday and Thursday next week instead of Tuesday and Thursday. Be interesting to see how we go.
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 12:43
Hi Jolie,

I also prefer monday and thursday - I feel like having the extra day to not still be in small portions mode helps to get through the second fast day.

I do a quite intensive exercise on fasting days without any problems. The only thing I notice is that on some days my pulse rises faster. Just remember to stay well hydrated.
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 12:48
I usually do Mon and Thursday, and this week for the first time am doing tues and thurs (due to Easter Mon). My observation is that it is indeed tougher only having one 'normal'day in between. I am really struggling today and previous fasts have been easier. :dazed:
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 13:45
I'm also normally a Mon/Thurs, and am doing Tues/Thurs this week. This morning was tough, and I wondered if it was a bad idea to have only one feed day in between, but I've been out and walked to the supermarket, (with a nice dusting of snow) and I'm fine now. Not a lot of energy, but I've been sleeping really badly.

Feeling OK about cooking for the family tonight, hopefully will sleep well tonight, then should be on top form for the weekend.
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 13:55
After a good sized breakfast and normal lunch, I'm feeling ready for a rest tomorrow and looking forward to fasting tomorrow. I think I'll try and have 2 days between future fasts as it seems to get me in the right mindset for it.
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 13:59
Thanks for starting this thread. I am usually a Monday/Thursday faster and Tuesday was fine but feeling really sluggish this morning. I am goint to try to give it a go though. Having a big ice tea with lemon will try to have my usual chicken broth for lunch and make it to dinner which is stew a put in the crock pot this am. I think I can make knowing that dinner is ready when I get home so I can eat and make it to my Zumba class which should take care of after dinner snacking
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 21:22
I think you can exercise on a fast day if you feel up to it. I have some days and not others... I went for a Wednesday and a Saturday as I felt work was really busy and I didn't want to feel too exhausted by having 2 fast days within my working week. It is working for me so far as I can eat what I want say Fridays and Sundays so don't feel I am missing out...
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 21:54
I'm not sure I could have exercised on my first few fast days; I was headachy and tired by evening. And while I might have got through it, I wouldn't have enjoyed it. I was still cycling home but not doing any gym classes. Admittedly then, I was also on a mini lunch/dinner fast. Now I fast until teatime but make sure that I have caffeine during the day - black coffee and Early Grey.

However, in recent weeks, changes to fast days did mean I ended up doing a gym class on them. And, I'm pleased to say, that I haven't struggled in them. I've been doing fairly intensive Body Pump (an hour of weight resistance exercise - i.e. 5 minutes of squats at 30kg) and Body Combat classes (a hour of reasonably high intensity cardio).

But I do think that if you exercise, it's potentially a good idea to have 2 days between fasts. I'd only been having one and I was starting to feel tired by the end of the week that my muscles were just overly-fatigued and weren't recovering. It was definitely better with a 2 day gap. This week though, I was planning on a 2 day gap but woke up this morning and felt like fasting... so I did. We shall see if there's any muscular impact tomorrow!
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 22:14
I usually fast Mon/Thurs as I work on Tues/Weds in a local supermarket so am on my feet all day and unpacking/stacking deliveries so don't feel I could manage this on a fast day. On occasions where I was unable to fast on the Monday I have done what I call a half fast day. I have special k cereal for breakfast with a cup of tea, pop home for my half hour lunch break and have 2 slices wholemeal toast with half a tin of beans and sausages then my usual fast day dinner around 250 cals. This means I can get through the work day and have around 775 cals in total. With a proper fast on the Thursday so far I have still managed to lose around a pound. So maybe if you feel you might not have the energy for a fitness class perhaps have a few extra calories to get you through it.
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 23:10
I can't say that I could exercise on fast days.
On my previous one I hoovered and moped the house and the felt like I hoovered and moped Buckingham Palace. On another day, I went to the supermarket and I found it very tiring to come back with the shopping bags.
What I'm trying to do is fast one days that I don't have many things to do and mainly stay at home and work.
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
04 Apr 2013, 23:45
In terms of fasting, I am always hungry in the morning on a fast day. It is always a little disappointing that I can't put cream and honey in my coffee and drink a giant smoothie or make scrambled eggs and a veggie sausage. But the disappointment passes and soon morning turns into noon, etc. I like to stick to a strict schedule of Mondays and Thursdays. The thought did cross my mind this morning to eat normally today and fast tomorrow, but then I thought, why? I want to get this over with so I can eat tomorrow and all through the weekend. I'm starving right now, but it is nearly 8 p.m., so I've done good. Only two hard boiled eggs all day.

I do a three-mile walk every day for my dog. It's not something I can skip. I'm going to start yoga again soon. I will probably eventually squeeze it in on fast days as well. I think it would be a nice distraction to fantasizing about pizza all day long...
Re: Not 'ready' to fast today
05 Apr 2013, 00:10
I fast Tues & Thurs. Chose busy days to distract me. I feel like the only person on here who doesn't exercise. Although Thursdays I am doing a 9.5hr day with an 8 month old :) Nearly lunch time by time I get breakkie so am not making the 8 hours day fasts but it is still working. I find it depends what I have for breakkie how hungry I am. Hungry today & had half grapefruit & boiled egg for breakkie otherwise it is a portion of Alpen porridge (151 cals) which keeps me going better.
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