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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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07 Apr 2013, 01:17
I'm interested in different success rates using a grazing technique of eating 500/600 cals in small amounts over the fast period vs two 250/300 meals vs one 500 cal meal.

Also, I am actually fasting for 36 hours and wonder if this is what is required.
Re: Timing
07 Apr 2013, 02:54
I don't know that there has been any study about your question. I personally find it a lot easier to simply eat one meal (dinner) because once I start eating, I am hungrier than if I hadn't eaten anything. But Dr. Mosley needs a breakfast and dinner. So it's really whatever works for you.

Most of us are fasting about 36 hours. For example, if Monday if my fast day, I probably won't eat after about 8:30 on Sunday night, then I'll have 500 calories Monday night, and then resume eating normally on Tuesday morning at 8am-ish.
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