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Changing appetite and tastes?
07 Apr 2013, 16:05
I've been doing 5:2 for almost 3 months now and I've found it interesting how my tastes have changed. I'm interested to hear if anyone else has experienced similar.

1) I have stopped taking sugar in my coffee altogether. I always had to have two sugar in white coffee, now I can't stomach it.
2) I am craving more healthy food and enjoying healthy food more.
3) Very sweet or very fatty foods makes me feel a bit nauseous. I never used to understand how people could say something was too rich? I could have lived on creamy, cheesey or chocolately things, now not so much!

Earlier today I had a very rich, heavy lunch (nachos and all the trimmings and full fat coke)I ate less than I used to and in all honesty I still feel sick now. What I need to do is stop chosing thse foods altogether now because I don't enjoy them like I used to, they're not doing me any good and it's just not worth it. It is just the habit I need to break now, my OH made them, I could have said no and eaten something healthier but I didn't, just because they were there....
I think one of the really good things about 5:2 is it has re-introduced me to the pleasure of eating! Sounds ridiculous but instead of emphasising how terrible so much of the food around me is, it has sort of made me more appreciative of a food in general. I am so enraptured with eating an apple when I am truly hungry that I don't need a bigger sugar hit than that! When you are properly hungry all sorts of foods taste wonderful, you appreciate the texture, aroma etc and as a result don't seem to need to eat and eat to get some sort of satisfaction. I have chocoholic moments - eat some but not loads and I don't really fixate about it. Isn't that what naturally skinny people do? It's magic!

I've only been on 5:2 for 4 weeks now but I'm noticing a lot of eating habit changes too!
I feel nauseous when I eat too many high fat or high sugar foods too, like millionaires dessert, pizza.
I actually enjoy eating soups, salads and veg curries :)
Also, now I only eat meat once a week, if at all!

Loving this WOE!
I was never one for cakes or chocs - but had to have my glass or wine . . or two or three !!! After the first of the year (and before 5:2), I really tried to cut down on alcohol and have been doing quite well - now, with 5:2, I find my alcohol cravings are much less and am satisfied with just one glass - if I have more, and I did the other night, I don't enjoy it, feel crummy the next day and wonder why I did it!!! Also, there are 2 fast days per week with no alcohol and I get through them just fine without it.

Anybody else notice craving less alcohol???? I'm very pleased as I feel so much better.
I find the first food I eat after a fast tastes absolutely amazing. It's like my taste buds double or triple, a very noticeable jump.

I'm hardly drinking alcohol either.

I started lsing my sweet tooth, but then Over Easter, I ate a lot of chocolate, and started eating a lot more crap on my non fast days. But now I seem to be back on track, with my cravings much more subdued.
well Mrs H-R I had a friend who was a hypnotherapist who used to do exactly that: hypnotise his weight-loss clients to really enjoy food and they lost weight because they loved the taste of healthy food!
Yep, I'm with you on this one. Yesterday I threw out the end of a passionfruit tart, half a carton of cream, 6 individual simnel cakes, 2 hedgehog cup cakes and 6 lemon curd cakes. Admittedly, we've been working away, but they've been there since Holy week! Alcohol consumption has dropped and SHOCK HORROR- I have a full half kilo of marzipan in the press UNOPENED. Been there since Easter.
I'm the only one in the house 5:2ing but am noticing that the other 2 just aren't picking and snacking so much. 5:2 by osmosis?
Can only be good :D
Terrifying when you walk round your local supermarket and realise just how much of what they sell is complete cr*p. There is far, far more shelf space given to crisps and biscuits and cakes than to fruit and vegetables, while alcohol and sugary soft drinks take up about a fifth of the entire floor area.

Maybe 5:2 will save the human race from self-inflicted extinction! :lol:
I was just sitting here thinking about Christmas, particularly how I'm going to navigate my way through temptations... then I realised that (been off carbs and sugar (again) for a month) that it's gonna be easy because I've gone right off anything sticky, sweet, chocolatey, carby etc! it's a miracle! :shock: Having said that, Holland & Barrett have a new range of sugar-free chocolate covered nuts that I might get in for christmas..... just in case!! I think I timed my 're-detox' well!!

I am in no way affiliated with H&B - or something like that! :grin:
I am sat here, right now, trying to figure out what to have for Christmas Day that is going to be 'special' but not sickly.
I do love my Christmas pudding and have one in for the day, in fact I have a6 family size puddings in the store cupboard that we bought in January, in the sales. But, I really don't want the heavy pudding. I still want a pudding, but I want something light instead.

I also noticed yesterday that I can't eat prawns anymore. I got some king prawns to throw in my smoked haddock chowder and I couldn't eat them. Just a few, as a treat, as no one else in the family will touch them. Maybe they were slightly off or something though they didn't smell off. I just ate one and it sank to the bottom of my stomach and felt like lead. The cat has now got the most expensive cat food in creation.
My tastes changed a lot since I began 5:2. In fact, all the tastes are bigger.I mean, fatty food tastes fatter, I did a cake yesterday and had to but more than half sugar in it or I wouldn't be able to eat some and I can't stand dishes with sauce, even more if it's heavy cream sauce.

For Christmas, the desserts will be fairly light, a light meal for the 24th (smoked salmon and prawns flambées in a bit of whisky, I will even fast on the 31st with only a spinach and scallops soup.

The same with alcohol, I can't drink more than one glass a meal and not white wine or champagne, they make me sick.

These changes are good, I like them, like the fact that I don't have cravings for sweets and chocolate this time of year.... I really prefer some tasty fruits
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