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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Hello fellow fasters!

I have a feeling that I didn't do well at all the past week (my third on 5:2).
On the two fasting days I was perfect (easy peasy, honestly, even with the minor difficulties) but on the non-fasting days I went way over my TDEE. Well, over the lowest TDEE; I am still under the higher ones but I have a feeling that the lowest is the most realistic.

Anyway, I am not looking forward for my Wednesday weigh in but I have planned my second non-carbs fasting day tomorrow and I will be very strict on Wednesday and Thursday before my 2nd fast on Friday.
I feel that my problem is ice cream. Everyday I'm under my TDEE and then I eat ice cream! So for the next days there is no ice cream for me.
I also went out for a huge late lunch/early dinner yesterday but that was planned so I won't blame it.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you all and commit to be better for the next days.
The idea of 4:3 for next week is still walking around me head and next week is ideal for it so I'll do it if my scales are rude -although honest- to me.
I think the key is not so much denying yourself ice cream on feast days, but rather letting yourself have a small amount of ice cream and stopping with the small amount. :-)

Your fast days are there to teach you how to stop eating when you hit your limit and you're still hungry. That's why, in my opinion anyway, it's better to eat within your strict calorie limits on fast days rather than eating nothing at all (though some do this) so you learn how to stop. You're not stopping when you're full, you're stopping when you're done. Big difference!

On feast days you use that to have a quarter scoop of ice cream and enjoy every little bitty bit of it, and then stop before you have another quarter scoop. :-)
TML, I started around the same day as you, and I also feel I've been going overboard on my feast days. I feel like I don't say no to anything! I've lost 5 lbs since starting, so I still feel great, but I definately am not eating below my TDEE.
I didn't eat too much ice cream, just a (home) scoop which is around half-a-scoop at the ice cream place but I can't bother with less than that to be honest. I'd rather have none than just a couple of tea spoons.

BTW, I never stop when I'm full. If I waited to feel full and then stop, I'd need a door twice the size of my current one, LOL!!! Even when I was eating tons of food and gained no weight, I still didn't eat the amounts that pleased me. I can eat A LOT! ;-)
Whoops, didn't see your reply, nycnyc!
Well, perhaps I will be lucky this week and lose something... :-)
TDL13, I have empathy with you! Perhaps my recent blip might helps ME too to write this down on this brilliant forum.....
I have done brilliantly for the first time in my life to have lost a stone slowly and steadily, and this past week have "messed it all up" on two of the 5 normal days. I recorded calories and was well over my TTDE. No Easter chocs eaten but that gift of one box of temporarily delicious Lindor truffles lurking in the cupboard did me in last night. I had been very active all week: gym and heavy gardening for hours, which may have made me more hungry on normal days. I am now starting my fast day thank goodness and know that I can reset my mental approach! I have the support of my OH who is also on 5:2 and we have been slaving at the garden together(desperate to be out there now our icy weather has eased and it was lovely). He was very surprised at my over-indulgence.
SO that awful blip is now water under the bridge. And I'm off to the gym before porridge and blueberries. It will be interesting to see what the scales say tomorrow but I have re-committed to getting on track again because there is too much physical well-!being and pride at stake! Carry on, :smile: it's worth it.
Hi, Katharina!
Oh I'm not considering to give up, of course I'll carry on.
Having a fast day today I feel very good and I hope that my scales will reward me (or at least won't freak me out) tomorrow!
I've gone all out on cheese today.... and coconut..... AND squirty cream (not all together) but I'm way up over tdee already so have a very light tea planned.. I don't know what happened, the moment I started eating this morning I've just not been able to stop :curse: there's a lot of guilt lurking around now which I'm trying not to indulge. also trying to keep the all or nothing chatter quiet otherwise I'll end up thinking I've already blown it and so might as well REALLY blow it... although, I think I've already done that. My only saving grace today is that I've stayed well clear of sugar and starch, which is a massive plus for me!! :bugeyes: I've just done 2 consecutive fasts and i'm already counting down the days to the next one so I can undo today's naughtiness!!
I have to admit, I couldn't do consecutive. When I'm fasting, the thought that "tomorrow I'll eat biscuits with my coffee" is keeping me sane!
Still, I'm doing well today and I ate some spinach for lunch, just in case it makes my bowels move. Eeeeek...
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