The FastDay Forum

General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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oooooooooh my tummy is a -rumbling real bad this morning
I blame it on having a pasta bake for tea last night
most evening meals consists of small carb/protein and veggies but last nite the cupboard was bare so it was pasta, sauce and cheese, today is the first fast in ages where i am feeling reall REALLY hungry

must be strong and hold out till tea time tonite

I'm good on carb meal before fast, it's the other way round for me lol
weird how we all work differently isnt it

Yes, or is it just me being weird ? don't answer that :)
The same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago - hunger, very very grumpy, couldn't concentrate etc etc!! Good luck getting to the end of the day.
thanks Jayney, am doing ok but obsessing about what to have for tea tonite

and Bee, nothing wrong with us weird ones, we make the world more fun :-0
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