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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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:razz: I have this painful condition that manifests in infected cysts and boils on the skin and only 2 weeks into the fast diet I've had a relapse, I think my body is reacting to a new way of life, but I am determined to persevere. I would love to know how people manage existing medical conditions alongside fasting and has anyone had noticeable improvement to a condition they have. :?:
oh maaaan that sounds painful.... I've noticed over the last few days that I have a shrinking ganglion. I have one on each wrist, both painful but only really bother me when I put weight on them, i.e., me doing floor exercises! It probably isn't diet related, but nice to tell someone anyway!! :wink:

I hope you're persevering ok :clover:
Thanks chichi, I did have a relapse in my condition and ended up on antibiotics for 10 days and my doctor agreed that a change to my diet could have triggered it but equally felt I should persevere. So now I'm on week 4 or 5 of this way of eating, antibiotics finished, and feeling great. Big thanks to forum because that was another reason for my downfall in the past, felt rotten with skin infection so fell off the wagon .. Not this time :grin:
Hi Gemini,

What an awful thing to suffer from, my husband suffers from psoriasis quite badly so I know how debilitating skin conditions are, although I admit I know nothing about your but I do sympathise. Glad you have stuck at it and hope all goes your way from now on,

Keep posting and let us know how it goes and good luck,

Ballerina x
Thanks Ballerina, I'm not making excuses for my past failures but I'm sure a lot of people on here get into a vicious circle of ill health and obesity. Certainly I know my immune system is not as it should be when I'm not eating or exercising in a sensible way, but then find you can't stick to a healthy way of life when you feel ill ..but really have felt the benefits from this WoE and inspiring people, like you, on this forum.
Hi Gemini,

stop beating yourself up, you are suffering from a very nasty sounding condition, so give yourself a break, be kind to yourself, and enjoy this virtual hug which I am sending to you, take care and keep posting,

Ballerina x
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