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Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 10:56
Does anyone use coconut oil for cooking? I have heard that the raw unrefined stuff is super healthy and all sort of claims are being made for it ie. helps to improve alzheimers, good for weight loss and of course can be used on skin, hair etc.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 11:41
I often use organic coconut oil for cooking. I also like a spoon of it in my coffee sometimes for the health benefits.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 11:43
I read some reviews on Amazon for it, people seem to love it for all sorts of reasons. Never tried it myself though. I use Fry Light for cooking so not sure that it would be a good swap as I'd just be adding calories. It is a healthier oil to choose though as far as I can gather. Not sure where it rates in comparison to extra virgin olive oil and the like though. Not much help I'm afraid!
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 11:46
Use it to fry green beans and stuff, the more expensive ones smell of coconut (which not everyone likes).

"Coconut oil is often regarded as being the healthiest dietary oil on Earth due to its unique saturated fat content which is rich in lauric acid and medium chain triglycerides."

Less than a tenner for 500g if you look around.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 11:57
I know a lot of low-carbers use it in coffee instead of cream. Some even just eat it by the spoonful straight from the fridge. I like coconut but I couldn't cope with it by the spoonful and you have to be careful what you fry in it or the taste is strange. I never adulterate a good black coffee with anything so I can't answer for that one! I would suggest buying just a small jar until you've tried it as its expensive for a decent one. Sainsburys stock it but its usually on the 'weird and wonderful' food shelf not with the other fats! LOL
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 11:57
dhana wrote: Does anyone use coconut oil for cooking?

I use virgin coconut oil for cooking and baking, as well as in my black coffee on fast days.
I usually buy in bulk and in fact, I bought some more last month (£6.33 for 500g) :smile:

Cooking-wise, it can be heated to a much higher temperature than olive oil, without smoke, so it's excellent for stir-frys, sauteeing, etc...
Baking-wise, I have started to use it in place of butter in cakes.

For me, the health benefits outweigh the higher calorie count.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 12:56
Thanks for all the replies - going to give it a try. I have used olive oil for years, was introduced to it when I was in my twenties and living in Algeria. When I came back to Scotland and tried to buy it (in the 70's) the only stuff I could find was the stuff sold in tiny bottles in the chemists, which tasted disgusting, as it was used for cleaning your ears small wonder! Since I started 5.2 I am eating a lot of stirfries and olive oil is not good at high temperatures. Hope the supposed health benefits are real so as to justify the high price and that I like the taste! :smile:
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 13:27
I use Tiana Extra Virgin from Holland and Barrett. I haven't used it in cooking, but I like it in porridge and add it to KoKo milk fruit smoothies, and also to my berries and yogurt. I don't mind eating it raw if it in small amounts but I think I would struggle eating a spoonful. I love it.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 14:09
dhana wrote: Thanks for all the replies - going to give it a try.

There's a free Amazon book you can download today for inspiration! :smile:

35 Healthy Coconut Oil Recipes by Jean Pardue

I have no link or interest with Amazon, this book or its author.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
13 Apr 2013, 21:55
I LOVE coconut oil, I really miss it on my fast days as I'd usually have about 3tbls throughout the day in my tea and coffee. I also make chocolate with it as it's sooooooo easy and is an excellent sugar-free alternative to chocolate. Coconut oil, cocoa powder (the proper stuff), maybe add a few nuts or natural flavouring... bang it in the freezer for 10-15mins, voila!! Bish bash bosh! :like:
Re: Cococut oil benefits
14 Apr 2013, 02:18
I have a tub of virgin coconut oil in my cupboard yet still find myself reaching for the olive oil. Except when I pop popcorn. It always turns out light and fluffy with a very slight coconut flavor. Might give the chocolate a try.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
14 Apr 2013, 12:48
There's another free Amazon book you can download today for more inspiration! :smile:

Coconut Oil: The Quick & Easy Guide by Chris Reichert & Joey Cardillo

I have no link or interest with Amazon, this book or its authors.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
14 Apr 2013, 13:27
I use coconut oil for a couple of years now.
You can cook with it, this fat can tolerate high temperatures. So there are no toxic substances seet free.
I don't like coconut products, but this is oke :-)
Re: Coconut oil benefits
14 Apr 2013, 13:35
I put a tbls spoon of it in my coffee every morning even on fast days. My joints feel better when I use it.
Re: Coconut oil benefits
14 Apr 2013, 17:36
Update- Bought Tiana fairtrade organic coconut oil yesterday at Holland and barratts (buy one get one half price). Still expensive! However it tastes divine I have been adding it to my coffee as recommended by several people on here and it is sooo yummy! My skin is quite dry at the moment, and am wondering if this has anything to do with the 5.2 wol? Tonight will slather some on before I go to bed and hopefully will dream of a tropical paradise and wake up with glowing skin :smile:
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