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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I've been on 5:2 for 11 weeks and getting a bit bored of having a slice of wholemeal toast with a scrapping of low fat flora spread for my breakfast and wondered if Oatcakes were any good?
Anyone tried them and do you fill fuller for longer than the toast?
I need to stick to around 85cals and detest marmite so not sure what I could spread on the oatcake that keeps in low cal.
I eat rice&corn cakes for breaky which are tasty on their own but you can make your own homemade jam with no sugar (either add a sweetener or not, depending on the fruit) which you will keep in your fridge for at least 2 weeks.
Chop the fruit you like, add a splash of water and simmer it till you get the texture you like. I've done strawberry, pineapple, grape, cherry and grapefruit. I simmer them for around 15 minutes and then taste it and add the sweetener. A TS is around 5-10 calories.
I love oatcakes! I find them much more satisfying at breakfast time than toast. I make my own from an old recipe or buy Walkers as they have no palm oil in them and I can't get really good ones here.
I love them on their own, or with a bit of home made lemon curd, or jam, but my very favourite is with nutella. A tablespoon of nutella is 50 cals (i think but a smear is enough (then i lick the spoon, but it's a teaspoon :shock: )
Thanks for the replies. Janeg which rice/corn cakes do you have, are these the large flavoured ones you can get such as the snack a jack caramel ones?
TML13 - Am liking the sound of nutella spread on an oatcake, thought just an oatcake on its own would be a bit dry.
Am fasting today and so far have had a cup of tea this morning as just didn't fancy my usual toast. Since I don't have any oatcakes or rice cakes in the house am now deciding if I should to pop to the shops or try and leave it for today. Am planning on a slim a soup and 1 cracker bread for lunch so not sure if I can last on that until my eve meal.
Im fasting today just about to have my 2nd cup of tea and of course had water I hope to hold out until this evening for my meal :) good luck all you Thursday fasters
I'm all about the eggs when it comes to breakfast!

But rice cakes or oatcakes topped with salsa are lovely. Or cottage cheese. Or humous. Or a slice of ham and a halved cherry tomato. Or a scrape of nat yoghurt or low cream cheese and a sliver of smoked salmon.
I'm fasting today too - have just had my 'lunch' cup of Bovril and 2 water biscuits - hoping to be able to last until teatime as have a ready meal of 400 calories .....last fast did proper-ish lunch and tea and found it much easier - hoping I can hold out ....won't get a ready meal that high again. Good luck to all those fasting today
smargetts wrote: Thanks for the replies. Janeg which rice/corn cakes do you have, are these the large flavoured ones you can get such as the snack a jack caramel ones?
TML13 - Am liking the sound of nutella spread on an oatcake, thought just an oatcake on its own would be a bit dry.

I buy the corn/rice cakes from Greece and it's a Greek brand so you won't find the same.
Okay, I'm convinced. It's gonna be whole wheat pancake with rolled in it, with an egg and greek yogurt and sliced strawberries. Only 9 hours to wait. :starving:
Oatcakes of course! Why didn't I think of those?
I decided I needed something yesterday morning so popped over local co op and got their oakcakes. Each cake is 55 cals and they aren't very big but I had just 1 with a smear of belgian chocolate syrup that usually goes on ice cream. I was surprised how filling it was given the size and I didn't feel any hunger pangs and lasted until 1.45pm for my soup. Am planning on an oatcake for breakfast for my next few fasts.
Nairn's Oatcakes are only 36 Cals.
That's interesting to know, they only had co op brand ones in my local shop which is 2 mins walk away and I didn't want to drive to other supermarket. Will get some Nairns ones then I can have 2. Thanks for the info.
Another option to consider is the North Staffordshire Oatcake- a soft pancake made of oatmeal with a lovely flat crumpet texture. They're about 130 cals each but filling and gorgeous warm with any topping you fancy. I pop one in the microwave for 20 seconds. Rather nice as a pud with a little chocolate Philadelphia too and the oat delays the blood sugar spike I think. They are more filling than toast too.
They're not that easy to find - some Tesco and Sainsburys branches stock them though and they're produced by a North Staffs company. An old-fashioned English staple worth supporting!
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