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How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 11:46
This is maybe a bit stupid, but something I was thinking about and was curiouos to know what other may think.
If you ask yourself, or someone asks you "How much do you weigh?" what would be your answer?
I try to explain myself.
Since starting this diet, due to the fasting, my weight goes up and down all the time and even if it is steadlily going down, I find it difficult to pinpoint my exact weight. I dont't think 75.3kg I saw few days back is correct, neither is 77kg which I had yesterday. So with all this roller coasting going on what would be the right weight to consider? The one you have at the end of a cycle eg. end of a full diet week? or month?
I know it is not of vital importance, but just something to think about on a boring Monday morning.
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 11:50
Oooh, this sounds like a statistical question, with means and medians and other such technical terms!
Have you looked at the Libra app that some of the folk are using where you weigh everyday and a graph get's plotted showing a trend- downwards most of the time?
Too technical and faffy for Jane but I'm sure very interesting and encouraging for many many others.
It's in kencc's post here
Would that help with your ponderings?
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 11:53
if you see 77 as a high and 75 as a low you could say you were 76 ?

With your BMI you could say "not quite overweight" ;-)
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 11:59
I do use Libra, but not really understood how to read it. I do like the line going down, but we get this on the progress tracker anyway (btw I like the way it looks now. It looks smoother).
@PhilT: like the "not quite overweight" definition.
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 13:33
Is there an iphone app that is similar to Libra that anyone can reccomend please?
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 13:44
I use True weight for iPad or iPhone, free with adverts or £1 something without.
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 13:51
For years and years I have never told anyone my weight, apart from my GP and I don't see much of him as I'm fairly healthy. However, since shedding 3.5 stone I'm OK with divulging what I weigh if someone asks, with the add on that I'm 5:2ing for life :smile:
Although I weigh myself daily I only record it once a week and it's that recorded weight that I consider myself to be and that I'd reveal to GP and others that may need to know
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 14:01
My answer:Mind your own business!!!
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 16:03
I just weigh myself once a week and take that as my weight. Then on the first Sunday of each month I'm going to measure my waistline too - hopefully with good results!
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 17:23
I weigh myself every Friday morning and use that as my weight. I also record my fat levels at the same time
Re: How much do you weigh?
22 Apr 2013, 17:34
I was also wondering this, but have just decided to weigh myself every Saturday morning and then record my weight once a month. I have noticed that since being on this diet I have started to weigh myself less. I soon worked out that fast days I am actually heavier. The days after fasting my weight completely dips but on a Saturday (2 days after a fast) I can get a more accurate result.
Re: How much do you weigh?
30 Apr 2013, 06:34
As a habitual daily weigher, I am SO pleased with whoever suggested TrueWeight to me (and although I have searched, I can't find it) - THANK YOU!

I use True Weight on my iPhone, and because I think I'm probably a bit pedantic, I also use "Weight Monitor" app on my Mac. Both show graphs of the daily plotting - up and down zigzags, but also show the line of a rolling average taken over a 10 day period. It's so helpful, and also shows me I'm on track even when the scales are showing a temporary gain.

Re: How much do you weigh?
30 Apr 2013, 06:57
As a secret daily (or more) weigher I have started to use true weight this week, so thank you from me too to whoever posted about it. Ginty?
This week my weight has had a 3lb variation but I am sticking with my 'official' weigh in day one which is today and luckily the lowest of the week!
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