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Dry Skin
23 Apr 2013, 08:30

This is my first post but have been enjoying the support from the forum on the outside.

I had my 5th fast day yesterday I don't need to loose too much weight just would like the other health benefits and maintain the weight I am as I've had a change of lifestyle, my job isn't as active as it was.

Since Saturday I have had incredibly dry lips and nose and have broken out in spots, has anyone else had this issue? Is it the 5:2? I do try to take vitamins but I need to take them with food so find it hard on a Fast day. Any advice would be great.

Re: Dry Skin
23 Apr 2013, 08:43
I had the same problem about3-4 weeks in but it seems to have settled now. I did start eating coconut oil and also using it on my dry skin topically and that may have helped. I do think though that the body goes through a period of readjustment. I hope this doesn't deter you from continuing and just try to ensure that you are not cutting out healthy oils and fats eg. olive oil, coconut oil, fishoil and grass fed butter. Hope your skin clears up.
Re: Dry Skin
23 Apr 2013, 08:45
Hi Lalalall & welcome!

I would guess the spots are a sort of detoxing side effect, I've often found that if I drink a lot more fluid than usual it seems to 'cleanse' my body, and with that comes a few spots! I expect one of the more medically minded members can offer an explanation for this.

As for the dry lips & nose, not sure why that might be. The lips could be if you drink a lot more than usual on a fast day but then don't drink as much on a feed day. I find I'm a bit more prone to dry lips now if I don't drink enough, I use it as a dehydration indicator if my lips start to feel a bit dry and will glug a small glass of water right away to rehydrate.
Re: Dry Skin
23 Apr 2013, 08:59
I have had dry lips for some time now that may be linked to my fluid intake. I always have an Elizabeth Arden 8 hour lip protectant stick with me, it is much cheaper buying it on Amazon. I have also just noticed as I am losing weight that I think stretch marks are unfortunately revealing themselves on the back of my thighs & probably will be on my rear end as well. I think that lots of moisturising will be necessary as my skin seems very dry, winter clothing & central heating doesn't help, but I don't think that it is possible to get rid of stretch marks. I hope that with moisturising any saggy skin will shrink as I do :frown:
Has anyone else had this?
Re: Dry Skin
23 Apr 2013, 09:17
Thanks for your replys! I think the spots are due to detoxing I'm going to ride it out and try to keep my fluids up, which I think I am guilty of not doing on fast days.

Isis I know clarins have good oil products for stretch marks and I'm sure you can get them cheaper on line. I think get the stretch marks while they're new and use stuff as preventative measure.
Re: Dry Skin
23 Apr 2013, 09:18
I use a sea clay wrap a bit like this one to tighten up/smooth my skin & reduce stretch marks.

I've also tried the ActiDerm wraps, which have the same kind of effect but are a bit less messy as it's a lotion rather than a clay. The clay feels nicer though!
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