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3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 08:34
Hi everyone

3rd fast yesterday and it was awful I felt really hungry and tired all day!! made me think maybe fasting after weekend may not be such a good idea,but Monday, Thursday suits me best. Started this last Monday and have decided to weigh myself on a Wednesday so looking forward to letting you all know results tomorrow, hope there good could be doing with some motivation to keep going.

ZK :smile:
Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 08:37
Hello ZK
there is psychological evidence that the 'third' of any behaviour change is the hardest- the third time, the third week etc so weel done on getting through it! It's early days yet and the first set of fasts really challenge your body, so be kind to yourself and give yourself time to adjust.
Looking forward to seeing your results- please remember to measure too and put them on the tracker.
Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 08:39
Hi Zak :) The fasts do get easier, don't worry - and the results will encourage you I'm sure! I think a lot of us fast on a Monday, having filled up on a nice Sunday roast the day before, so there's always plenty of people around to chat with on a Monday if you need a bit of support or need to pass the time.

Looking forward to hearing how you get on!
Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 08:50
Thanks janeg and Moogie

This forum has been very inspirational and motivational and I do feel better for having got through yesterday, I need to loose about 20lbs but I am doing this more for health benefits so will not get to down if scales don't tell me to much tomorrow!!


Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 08:53
remember and measure too ZK, sometimes the scales are none too kind but the tapemeasure is much more forgiving! :)
Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 08:55
It gets easier! Good advice about measuring as well as weighing yourself.
Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 09:01

I have registered my tracking thingy today and have also measured so will update tomorrow.


Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 09:12
Hi Zak
I also did my third fast yesterday and while I found the first 2 fine yesterday was very difficult. I also felt tired and hungry all day. But hopefully it will get easier as everyone seems to be saying. Atleast we made it through the day!

Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 14:37
Well, your comments sound like I feel today on my 5th fast! I think I may have overdone the power walking yesterday as I have a bit of an ache in my arms and legs and combined with not eating breakfast for the first time in months, my body said 'Hey, I need some calories to replace the energy I have used' so I shall fast tomorrow with my staple porage oats made with water. Actually, I'm glad this has happened!
Re: 3rd fast hardest so far!
23 Apr 2013, 14:54
Oh yes, the third one was a nightmare. Don't worry, it WILL get easier!!!
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