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Oh dear blew my fast day! Why?
25 Apr 2013, 08:10
I quite happily got to dinner time yesterday & had my pork chop with lots of vegetables & a banana around 7-00pm but a couple of hours later I was starving & ate some cheese & biscuits. It is the first time I have gone above 500 calories on a fast day & I have been wondering what happened. I think because I had fasted on Monday there was only one day between fasts this week that I had not done before & it had been more difficult for me throughout the day with a particularly rumbly tummy. Has anyone else had difficulty with fasts closer together? I know many of you do 5:3 I usually fast on Monday & Friday. :confused:
For sure! For sure!
I eat my fast dinner - then an hour later I'm wanting something else most times.
I try to have enough calories for a nice peach or plum; cut it up with a couple of spoons of natural yoghurt on top.
I also try to have at least two days between Fasts as I also feel that it makes me hungrier if they are only a day apart.
Hi Isis. I used to only have one day between fasts and it was ok but now I do Monday and Thursday and I find that easier. Don't stress it you probably didn't go far over 500 cals. Anyway it's just one day out of many.
Hi Isis, don't be hard on yourself, you didn't blew your fast, ok so you ate a bit more than 500 calories, doesn't matter still much less calories than any normal day so you still had 2 fast this week.
Thank you for your replies. I'm not upset about it but more curious actually about why I felt so hungry, but thank you for posting your fasting experiences. I think I won't try days closer together again & just try & get back to my usual routine next week. :smile:
I hope your next fasting days go well.
I was going to change my days to one day inbetween fasts but after reading your comments think I will leave it at 2 days between.Thanks.
Only had 1 day between fasts this week and I'm feeling quite wobbly this morning - think I'll stick to a 2 day gap.
I actually find it better when I do 4:3 because I feel I control things more with only a day between fasts but each to their own.
My advice toy you is to save 50 calories in case you get hungry after dinner. If you do, choose something within them. A rice cake with a spoonful of cottage cheese is as filling as cheese and biscuit... :-)
Because my husband wanted to do this along with me, I am somewhat guided by his work commitments. we therefore have to do Tuesdays and Thursdays with just the one day gap. So far, this has not been too much of an issue.

I would have loved to have done monday and thursday, but he is always out straight from work on a monday which does involve eating and drinking. At the end of the day, it would be unfair to stop him seeing colleagues after work.
I find just having one day between fasts much tougher than two. I do Sunday and try for Wednesday but have to be flexible. Sunday/Tuesday is HARD!
This is why I save all my 500 cals for supper. I don't trust myself otherwise.

Maybe try that? :)
Interesting thread! U can get really low cal mousses as a pud on a fast day I been having choc ones :-) I am changing to mon thurs next week instead of tues thurs as I feel one day on between goes to quick!! And I think it would be good for me to fast after the weekend!
I find if I have a meat meal and veg, I get hungry far sooner than if I have pulses/beans and veg. Strange, as there are usually fewer calories in veggie food, but it's probably the GI slow release.
The worst is fish; I can have a lovely plateful of low cal fish and veg and I'm hungry after an hour!

Try low GI foods to keep you fuller for longer.
Save all your 500 cal for dinner and cut it in 2 parts. one for main course around 350-400 and the other for 1-2 hours later if you get hungry . this method works well for me.
Good luck on your next fasting day :oops:
You probably felt hungry because you were hungry ;0). None of us are robots and sometimes we all have days when we just eat non-stop, maybe if it hadn't have been a fast day you would have eaten more that 2000 calories so it's probably neither here nor there, you just noticed because it was a fast day. Probably next fast will be easy again :0)

I save all my calories til the last hour of the day so I go to bed after, otherwise I think once I start eating I'd not stop! I'm fine all day with nothing because I just put eating out of my mind (although tricky today when serving up my boys pasta for lunch :0/ )
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