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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Is it ok to fast on two consecutive days? So far I've been fasting on Mondays and Fridays and while fasting went ok, the day after always turned into all-out pig out feast. I literally consumed everything in sight. Bingeing is the only way to describe it and I could not get it under control. This week I tried fasting on Wednesday and since it went ok and I wasn't' particularly hungry the next morning, I just extended it to Thursday. Surprisingly, it was easier the second day. And I could have fasted also today - I was even less hungry today.
But I tried to eat normally and - surprise - not only I didn't overeat or binge, but I came out under my allotment. Without much effort. I just made an effort to avoid any sweets, since I know they trigger my appetite.

So, is it ok if I fast on two consecutive days? Is there any reason why I shouldn't do it?
I haven't done consecutive days but I would be cautious of developing an eating disorder. It is the biggest criticism of 5:2 and, I think, for the most part unfounded. But some of us are new to the ability to ignore hunger pangs and I think we all need to draw boundaries because it is a new power that could get out of control.
Hi Annabelle, michmod's point is a good one. Because of these concerns, and the need to maintain protein (essential amino acid) levels in the body to prevent loss of muscle, the 5:2 prescription is not to 'fast' on consecutive days.

Of course if you want to try it, it's up to you. And with the provisos, it should be fine. I would try to make sure you take enough protein in your 500 calories on the first fast day especially.

The 'Two Day Diet' which is a different IF variant does in fact work with two consecutive days fasting (albeit with more calories on each day and rules to ensure you get enough protein). The developers of that diet felt that two consecutive days were easier for people. That isn't what most of us have found (I did try it once) but if it works for you, it's ok.

The binge after a fast day is something I experienced too. I found it best to ease myself back into normal eating with some protein and low GI carbs (egg and oats). If I fasted for too long I was more likely to 'crash and burn'.
I have had a week of this week for studying and will be getting back to fasting next wed after my exam. The only days how ever I can do next week is wed and thurs so I am planning to do 2 days back to back. But will go back to non consecutive the week after. Think the risk is your body may go into the so called starvation mode if you fast for to long. But I don't think it can to much harm now and again and as you say it may help reset your hunger :-)
Tammygirl wrote: Think the risk is your body may go into the so called starvation mode if you fast for to long.

Doesn't exist. A myth.
Fair enough
I do back to back fasts - mon, tues and thurs. I find it works really well for me and I make sure my fast day food is high in protein (I eat lots of fish). I find after the monday fast I'm on a roll and the second day is actually easier. I find feed days much harder to negotiate to be honest.
Yes, you can fast two days in a row. You will not develop an eating disorder. This whole notion on eating disorders is based on fear. The eating disorder most prevalent in our society is causing obesity, not the reverse.
Starvation mode does exist, but you won't go into it in 2 or 3 days.
Next week, I will do either 5:2 or 4:3 and it will be on 2 or 3 consecutive days. I'll let you know how it went.
I've done 2 consecutive days for 2 weeks now. First week I lost 2 lbs and 2 inches off my waist and second week I lost 1 lb.

I didn't plan on doing 2 days in a row, I just was not hungry the 2nd day. I didn't get hungry until mid afternoon, and by that time I just decided to go ahead and make it a fast day. Really wasn't bad at all, and will probably do it again on occasion.

Just be sure to stay well hydrated.
Thank you Dominic, my concern is also the requirements one's body need for protein to maintain normal bodily functions. It is great if you have the willpower to do 2 days in a row of fasting, and you will have the benefits of reduction in total weekly calorie intake. The best will be to compare muscle mass
I think the confidence it gives one to realize and proof to yourself you can do 2 days in a row, will motivate you even more.
thank you for your answers. I think I will continue with fasting 2 days in a row for at least one more week to see how it works. I don't think I am in danger of not getting enough protein on my fasting days since my menu consists of an egg in the morning and then small portions of grilled chicken with some roasted peppers (I don't vary it much since it tastes great, is quite filling and I don't get bored with foods I like).

I don't think I would develop an eating disorder this way. If anything, binge the day after my single day fast was leading me that way. I've had thoughts of inducing vomiting after really bad pig-out and I was starting to get concerned it might not be a good diet for me.

I will see how it goes. So far I've lost nothing: neither weight nor inches, since starting on the 5:2 diet a month ago and I am getting a bit frustrated. If doing 2 consecutive day fasts works better, I will stick with it since I like not having to monitor every calorie I eat on feed days. If it doesn't work, I'll have to go back to my previous plan which was a general calorie restriction (although I can't imagine doing it for life)
Annabelle wrote: I've had thoughts of inducing vomiting after really bad pig-out

Ugh! :sick:

Sorry - I just wanted to use that smiley. :smile:
Annabelle, I started this plan in January and have fasted on Mondays and Tuesdays right from the start. Tomorrow will be the start of my 15th week and so far, I've lost 2 stone. On my fast days, I don't eat until the evening because I find that once I eat something, I want to keep eating. Not conducive to losing weight! I have got a lot of weight to shift and maybe you don't so that's why you've had a slow start. Just a theory, I might be quite wrong.

I would encourage you to keep going though, I'm sure you'll get where you want to be eventually. Good luck.
dominic - :) a very appropriate smiley

anniep - you might be right, I don't have much weight to lose so maybe this is the reason for lack of progress. At least I hope this is the reason and not my pig-out sessions :)I would like to lose inches though. If I lose inches but not a single pound, I'd still be very happy. I had to look it up but two stone loss is impressive! congratulations :)
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