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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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First Fast Day
28 Apr 2013, 15:23
I had planned to fast tomorrow, however, I woke up this morning and wasn't hungry so I thought I'd might as well start today!

So far, so good.

I've had a few cups of coffee - two with a bit of milk in but other than that only water and sugar free cordial.

It's now 16.19 and as a morbidly obese woman I'd probably have consumed about 2000 calories by now on a 'normal' eating day!

I'm sooooo looking forward to my 500 cals later on. I feel like I want carbs so I'm going to have two portions of noodles with soy sauce, garlic and ginger. That's just what I fancy! That will be just under 500 cals but plus the milk from drinks it should be fine for the day.

I'm going to put some nice bread in the bread maker for tomorrow before going to bed. I 'know' I'm not going to binge eat tomorrow... already, even after one day I feel more 'organised' with regards to food. Is that ridiculous???

I've thought about food literally ALL day but with any 'diet' I've been on I'm exactly the same so no hardship there! At least it's just for one day though.
Re: First Fast Day
28 Apr 2013, 15:35
Hi Sylviebea & well done indeed on jumping in with both feet! Fantastic to hear you're doing well on your first fast and that you feel so good about it all.

Do keep us informed of your progress and feel free to come along for any advice or support you may need -or just to pass a bit of time on a fast day!
Re: First Fast Day
28 Apr 2013, 15:37
Sounds like you have made a very positive start! I know what you mean about thinking about food all day, it's usually the end result of constant diets. The fab thing about this WOL is that a few weeks in you actually relax around food because you are allowed everything, yes everything you fancy. No food is off limits and your brain catches up with this radical concept after a while and then you are rolling! Of course when I say nothing is off the menu I am not talking unlimited amounts :smile: I wish you every success and if you check the forum threads you will find that there are several people in your morbidly obese range and you may be interested to read their posts :clover:
Re: First Fast Day
28 Apr 2013, 16:23
Thanks for your replies! I am hoping that this will help me sort out my 'food issues' dhana - It's quite exciting.
I've just had my noodles and to be honest, I think I felt better before I had them! I would have liked a nice grilled chicken salad but we've just got back from our holidays and I need to do a big shop!

Take care!
Re: First Fast Day
28 Apr 2013, 16:26
Good to hear you first fast has been good, it gets so much easier. I am doing my 6th fast tomorrow and I am kind of looking forward to it, if someone had said to me " you will look forward to fasts after abit" I would have laughed but honestly I do.
Re: First Fast Day
28 Apr 2013, 16:33
Welcome & well done Sylviebea, 'specially well done having an impromptu fast :)

You're gonna wake up tomorrow feeling really good about yourself. Just remember, don't get tempted into not eating a lot tomorrow either, it is a temptation, but you need to eat up to your TDEE or it won't work as well. I have to admit that I don't know my TDEE but on non-fast days I just eat 'normally' & try not to be silly, i.e. I eat a reasonable plate of what everyone else is eating but I try to avoid crisps or chocolates (except for in very small quantities!)

You're going to have some difficult moments, everything in life is like that, just remember that this forum & it's members are here for support :)

Claire23 - I'm sat here at the bar, contemplating this evenings chicken pesto pasta & actually thinking about, and looking forward to, tomorrows fast !! It's a strange old world!
Re: First Fast Day
29 Apr 2013, 07:24
Lovely replies! I'm so glad you lot are here and that this forum is so popular! Wooo hoooo for group support.
I was sooooo glad when bed time came last night... I was FAMISHED after eating those bloomin' noodles and wish I'd not bothered BUT it's all good for experience eh?
I've had some toast this morning and I still feel hungry but I don't fancy anything else... this is because I need to do some shopping.

Enjoy your fast day! I'm looking forward to my next one too!!! I'm fantasting about the future - a slimmer, healthier, happier, best dressed me!
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