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Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 17:39
Hi all, so I started my 5:2 this week with yesterday being my first fast day. I last ate at 7.30pm on Wednesday night and got through the day without any problems and had dinner at about 5/5.30 yesterday evening. After I ate, the hunger REALLY kicked in and as I hadn't used up all my calories at dinner, I had some strawberries at about 7. I was quite hungry going to bed but got to sleep alright.

So since waking up this morning I feel like I cannot satisfy my hunger! I'm trying not to over-compensate for my fast day but I honestly feel like I could eat all day!

Did anyone else feel like this at the start? Does it get better the more you fast, i.e. when your body has the chance to adjust to fasting?
Re: Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 18:12
Yes, after my first fast day all I wanted to do was eat all those things that I really shouldn't be eating. It did get better for me after the second fast or so. Also eating something like an apple or some oatmeal as my first food after my fast seems to diminish that feeling.
Re: Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 18:15
I'm happy and relieved to report that this does calm down eventually... for a time this was my downfall... but at last it's subsiding...
Re: Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 18:15
It takes a while to adjust to the diet so give yourself time.

As you have noticed, when you eat on a fast day, it does not get rid of the hunger. You actually will find that you want to eat more sometimes. But if you stop and wait, it does take away any uncomfortable feelings.

I think as you stick to the diet, you will learn the difference between real hunger and psychological hunger.

Make sure you eat protein with your meal on a fast day. Protein will make you feel more fuller longer. Also eat veggies to bulk up on fiber, which will also help give you a feeling of fullness.
Re: Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 18:16
Vonnie wrote: Did anyone else feel like this at the start?
Oh yes!
Vonnie wrote: Does it get better the more you fast
For me, not so much!

Well I have learned to easy myself back into normal eating and I think it is ok to be a little bit generous with yourself on the post-fast day if (like me) you find it harder then. I start with a larger-than-normal breakfast these days and then I am usually okay. Like Radcam I start with oats and then I add a poached egg on toast. The worst thing of all I found was to carry on fasting because when I did 'break' it was quite ugly!

So be kind to yourself and try to stick to sensible foods - carbs ok but limit those sugary things, and you will be fine, I think.
Re: Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 18:31
Thanks to all of you for your replies, I was afraid that it was just me and that maybe the 5:2 just wasn't going to suit me. Much more relaxed now!
Re: Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 19:08
I am on week three and it is only this week that I havent been ravenous on feed days... it was weird as I was extremely hungry on my fast days and managed but knowing I could eat I couldnt stand not feeling totally full!
Anyway, this week had been much better and I am noticing that eating my "usual" amount is far too much and I am beginning to dislike the feeling of being very full
Re: Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 19:17
Like one of the other commenters, I would say be sure your fast day meals contain some protein. (I actually do my fast day dinners always as quite low-carb, but that's what works for me.)

I'd lost 21kg lowcarbing over 2 years but felt I needed to "up my game" a bit, as I'd been stalled for some time. I still believe in avoiding sugar and wheat as much as possible, and I think doing that has helped me ease into 5:2- no "crashes", no fatigue, etc. since my body was already accustomed to fat burning instead of carbs. I do enjoy some carbs - sweet potato, a bit of rice, and even the odd slice of cheesecake but I limit it to 2 days a week "treats" and I still keep an eye on my overall intake each day.

Other than that my fast day tips:

1)I keep lots of varieties of herbal teas to hand, to keep my taste buds happy and make hydration thru the day more interesting.

2)Before our fast day meal, my bf and I have a cup of broth (5 cal) - takes the edge off the hunger first and tastes nice.

3)For me, Tues. and Thurs. work great as fast days as they are the busiest for me at work - I'm preoccupied most of the day, and was already somewhat used to not eating much at those times.

Hope some of this helps. :)
Re: Post fast day hunger
03 May 2013, 20:41
I also started this week and can't really say I've had a problem with hunger on the fast days - I leave all cals for my evening meal. However on my first non fast day I had 3 crumpets and cheese for breakfast and polished off half of a fairly sized bar of chocolate just to get rid of it. On my second non fast day I co-hosted a charity coffee morning (too much cake). Not particularly healthy options I know but then I didn't eat between meals. My biggest fear was that I wouldn't be able to fast again after a non fast day but I've actually done 3 fast this weeks just cos I was on a roll. Interested to see how I fare over a non fasting weekend. I think your body just needs to find its way and I'm sue it will. Good luck
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