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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Forgive me if there is a thread on this, I couldn't find it!

What do you eat on non fast days?

Do you follow a particular diet, just eat healthy and go with the flow or strictly calorie count.....or something else.

I ask because I am a slimming world girl and am wondering if following the plan on the other 5 days will maximise my losses.
On the other hand, I would quite like to just eat what I want but healthily.
I'm quite partial to low carb

What do you do?
I started 5:2 3 weeks ago and left SW, I had lost 1.5 stone but stopped losing and kept going up and down in the last few weeks of SW. So here I am, 7 pounds lighter in 3 weeks doing this way of eating. I did consider doing SW still as well but the amount of cals I was eating (mainly carbs) was way to much. So I calculated my daily cal intake and I use fitness pal to monitor this. According to my weight and height I can have 2009 cals per day to maintain so some days I have 1500-1600 and other days I have 1600-1800 as its apparently good to vary it to keep the body guessing. I have much smaller portions now than when I was on SW and just find that my fitness pal keeps my behaving as eating 'normally' for me is eating too much otherwise I wouldn't be obese!!
Hope this has helped. Some people don't even count their cals on non fast days.
I'm a go with the flow girl on non fast days and have found so far if I actually add up calories consumed through the day I'm not hitting the 2000 mark .
I have found it liberating taking away guilt factor with food that has been so ingrained from years of other diets. What I have found when left to my own devices I naturally eat a healthy balanced diet. :smile:
I'm like Tammz, and go with the flow.

I had pretty much cut most crap out of my diet already. I don't obsess over it at all though, and if I feel like a piece of cake or chocolate, I eat it. I am taking this weight loss journey very slowly though, it took a long time for my weight t creep up, so a slow down is fine with me. I want this to just be how I eat, so don't want permanent restrictions.
I also use my fitness pal. My maintenance calorie intake for non fast days is 1800 but I don't beat myself up f I go over, especially if I have exercised as well :-)
I try not to eat processed food. I am practically a vegetarian. I allow myself the occasional sweet. I drink wine, probably more than I should. I haven't been calorie counting on non-fast days, but I have been keeping a food diary.
Thanks all....

I have decided to just eat healthily, for now.
I know what's good and what's bad but I also want to have a little of what I fancy too!

I really am so fed up with following an actual 'diet' plan and I'm hoping that 5:2 gives me a bit of guilt free freedom that I so want.
I am hoping that because I can have what I want, I won't necessarily want it, if that makes sense or rather, I may have it but in smaller quantities because I won't feel like I have to stuff my face before I 'start dieting' again the next day!

So today I am thinking along the lines of
poached eggs on wholemeal for breakfast
feta cheese salad for lunch
Out to friends for authentic Indian cooked meal
I have been doing the fast for a little over 3 weeks and have lost 5 pounds. I am petite and don't have huge amounts to lose so I feel this is good progress. On non-fast days I try to eat only when hungry and I stick with the Weight Watchers Points Plus routine which emphasizes healthy food and eating a lot of fruits or veggies. I don't obsess about food but I do eat clean and I don't eat if I am not hungry. I have found since I started fasting that I am less inclined to want to eat between meals. Occasionally if I go out with friends, I have sort of a "free meal" where I just don't worry about what I eat or drink. This works out well as I don't feel deprived. However, most days if not fasting, I am eating clean and watching my portions. That way, an occasional free meal doesn't hurt and I am making great progress and feel wonderful. (I am also spending less on food--another bonus!)
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