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The diet works!
04 May 2013, 08:26
Firstly, for me at least, this diet works! I was sceptical when I first read about it, but figured I would give it a try.

Previously, I was stuck in a sort of starve/binge cycle. So, for example, I was able to be 'good' all week but then I'd 'reward' myself on a Friday night with a big meal and wine. Of course, on saturday, I'd be hungover and peckish and would graze all day. And then Sunday...well, there's no point in starting a diet on a Sunday, is it would continue till Monday, by which point I'd put back on the weight I'd lost the week before. I knew I needed something to break the cycle but I felt stuck and didn't know what!

Enter 5.2! For reasons I don't understand, it HAS broken the cycle. I still allow myself the option of having wine and a nice meal on a Friday night, but without even trying, I am finding that I really want to keep within a decent calorie limit (whereas before, I just abandoned all thought of fat and calorie content). Last night, I must have spent 15 minutes at the pizza counter, weighing up which pizza was better for me! It wasn't even a tough decision - I just decided in the end that I didn't want one, so I came home and ate a low fat fish pie (I did have wine though!). The point is, for me at least, I think this diet works principally on your emotional connection to food. But it does it so subtly, that you're hardly aware of it happening at all. 7 weeks in and I have lost 11lbs. It would have been more, but I took my eye off the ball over Easter. I don't mind though - 11lbs means that my clothes are no longer digging into my waist and I feel so much better!

I think you have to find your groove and experiment with it, until you find the way that works. For me, I have a routine and this is roughly it;

Tues and Thurs are fast days. I eat nothing all day, just drink 2 litres of fizzy water (and chew some sugar free mints, to keep my breath smelling fresh)

On the other days, I do try to eat carefully but I don't deny myself. So, I might have toast and butter for breakfast and if there is cake going at the office (and I feel hungry), I'll have a small piece. In the evenings, as a carb junkie, I do love my baked potatoes so might have that or a ready meal or something. If I feel nibbly later in the evenings, I keep lots of cooked chicken in the fridge and I love that as a snack. I don't over-indulge, but the thing is, I simply don't want to! Friday is my chill night so if I know I'm going to have a few glasses of wine, I tend to fast during the day, drinking lots of water....and then I enjoy my wine in the evenings. Again, I find that I don't really eat too much - my brain just doesn't want to!

Sat and Sun is much the same. Unlike some people, I find that I cannot eat 'whatever I want' but I certainly can have a little of what I fancy, so long as I keep an eye on it. As I said though, this seems to do something to your brain chemistry and it doesn't feel like a chore. I think once you start to lose weight, there is a real pleasure in doing it!

I also do a fair bit of exercise - I walk/job between 10-15 k a week. I'll do 2 x 5ks at the gym (walking fast, if I don't feel like running) and then in between times, I get plenty of movement by doing silly things, like dancing round the house, when I'm cleaning or boogeying in while doing the ironing. It's all good for keeping your heart rate up! A pedometer is a must, I think. On avergae, I'm losing around 2lbs per week.

Last night, I fell off the wagon a bit and lost track of my food. I was on track for fasting all day, but at noon, my boss asked me to take some clients out to lunch in his place. It was Itallian (killer!) and there were no salads on the menu. I just ordered a small dish and I didn't eat it all...but I don't think that helped. Anyway, today, I'm up fresh and bright and don't feel the urge to keep on eating! I'm off to the gym to repair yesterday's damage.

And that in itself is something completely new for me! In the past, I would never have done that - I'd have grazed my way through the weekend! Amazing!
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 08:42
Well done TryingtoSlim :victory:

It's quite amazing how this diet works more on the brain than anywhere else, isn't it?
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 08:57
A very encouraging read.....Well Done!!
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 09:45
Wow, that is great and I completely agree about the old brain box being kicked into touch. I don't understand how or why it happens but IT DOES and that, for me, is one of the best things about this regime, I am happy to be doing it, unlike any other diet I've ever tried that just makes you miserable all the time.

This is serious life changing stuff :victory:

Ballerina x
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 10:23
Great Post! :like: :smile:
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 10:32
rhondar wrote: Great Post! :like: :smile:

Yes, this :like: and ;

Charlie10 wrote: A very encouraging read.....Well Done!!

well, what you all said actually :grin:

Thanks for that post Tryingtoslim - I can relate to a lot of what you are saying, although it took several months for me to turn off the over eating switch in my head using this way of eating.

Really glad it is working for you :like: .
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 10:51
Thank you for posting tryingtoslim.
So much of what you said resonates with me, particularly the history of "being good" Monday-Thursday then completely undoing all that work and effort.

I'm still overeating on feast days which I know is why my weight loss is slower than a lot of others on this forum.
But I feel slowly but surely I'm reconnecting my brain with my body.
I absolutely believe in this WOL and I'm commited to it.
I'm confident I'll get there in my own good time, improving my eating habits and health along the way.

Thanks again for an encouraging post :smile:
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 10:58
Hi rachelT7
That's a staggering amount of weight you've lost.
Congratulations, what an achievement,
I noticed you said that it took a while for your brain to switch off the overeating habit,
When did this happen for you and was it gradual or more a light bulb moment?
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 11:11
Hi Emerald17

Thanks - it doesn't seem real to me sometimes but it is how much I have lost!
I started this way of eating late Sept / early Oct 2012 - I am doing 4:3. Lost a lot at the start and then during November / December the loss really slowed down and I think it was because I was overeating on "normal" days. I ate 3 tiny meals on "fast" days of around 500 cals.
I read on this forum, or somewhere, that just eating one meal on down days was better as it increased the length of the fast. I started doing that and found it was easier to manage my hunger and I was also more careful about not just eating what I wanted on "normal" days. I used an online calculator to work out my calories for fast / normal days and started having more like 400 cals on a fast day in one meal.

The weight started coming off much more quickly, I felt less hungry on fast days (!) and I started finding I didn't have to control my eating on normal days as I just didn't want to over eat or eat high calorie stuff. So it took around 4 months to get to that point but some people seem to be getting there in just one month! (maybe I am a slow learner :confused: ).

I still eat chocolate and crisps now and then, but I can just eat a little rather than going over the top. Its fantastic - just hope I can keep it off this time.
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 11:33
Thanks RachelT7
It sounds like you've really got it sorted.
The fact that the weight came off slowly and steadily I'm sure it will stay off this time,
I think also its a much more sustainable lifestyle as you're not giving up life while you lose weight
And ultimately you arrive at a place where it's simply the way you eat and live, except much lighter(hopefully)
Sounds like you're there.

So again, congratulations its another inspiring story :smile:
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 11:34
TryingtoSlim, your words really hit home for me. I am so hoping for the same "break up" of my relationship with food. I am still in my first week but both fast days went relatively easy and there hasn't been too much feasting on my feast days. I'm so encouraged.

RachelT7 you are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing your story.
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 12:09
:oops: thanks - very kind.

I think this might be easier for me to stick to long term as there is more variety (I went low carb when I lost weight a few years ago). Hope to join the "maintainers" soon.
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 13:54
This is my first day on the diet (fasting will never do on a Saturday again!!) and I too hope to break the cycle that I attach with food. The firstly thing I do when I get in from work is to open the fridge and all of the food cupboards, no idea why as I LDL the food shopping so nothing is going to materialise in there without me knowing!!! I enjoyed reading how you have broken the cycle and I hope I too can break mine. It's my first day today and i was desperate to get on and fast but in the future will do Mondays and Wednesdays.
Re: The diet works!
04 May 2013, 22:17
Excellent results well done x I'm one week I and 3 fasts done and lost 5 llbs , I felt really weary yest and ate too much at dinner and then fell asleep at 9 so went to bed and slept for 10 hours ! I too need to break the binging secret eating that has taken root in my life and agree with it not being a diet but a strategy for life . I do some of my best work when I'm hungry too ! X x
Re: The diet works!
05 May 2013, 13:38
Lots of positive comments about 5:2 and how it is making us more aware of what we are eating and more importantly why. I have always preferred eating on my own rather than in company because family meal times were rather traumatic and I just wanted to leave the table as soon as I could! With 5:2 I don't feel as if I am on a diet or regime because apart from the two fasts a week I can eat whatever I like within my TDEE calorie allowance and for the first time in many years I am enjoying eating.
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