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WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 08:45
The day after my fast I couldnt stop eating I hav'nt had a day like that for ages,in the early days of this diet I did a couple of times but not since, Im really annoyed with myself :frown: I will try to compensate today if I can
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 08:52
Why? cos you can! a day isn't going to make a huge difference. What is it ? about 3000 extra calories to put on one pound.
You can rein it back in a bit today. Please, don't beat yourself up. You're human and allowed a wee blow out every so often! ;)
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 09:02
The first weekend after I started the 5:2 WOE I overindulged over the weekend, I'd fasted well on the days before the weekend and again the following week. During the weekend I'd also had a few beers (I have a micro brewery, which is well stocked) and a couple of bottles of wine :oops:

Come the second Friday, weigh in day, I was delighted to see I'd lost weight, despite my weekend :like:

Part of me thinks how much more I might have lost if I hadn't overindulged, but the other part of me thinks, brilliant, I don't have to starve myself 7 days a week and can have a glass or two so far finding the 5:2 easy (now cut the drink down to Fri/Sat only, no samples during the week) :grin:
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 09:31
I think most of us can relate to your story Carol. Ok it happened but it is only one day in this way of life. One of the attractions to me is being able to slip up now and again without thinking "That's it, why bother!"

Tomorrow is another day. :grin:
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 10:02
It doesn't matter if you are losing weight.

Besides pigging out is eating normally. I get stonkered so easily. Take advantage of it, it wont last.

I am on this diet so I can practice a couple of the Deadlies.

I suppose the guilt does improve the flavour.

Please don't insult pigs!
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 11:17
It's only one day - it really doesn't matter - don't beat yourself up about it :smile: Hopefully you enjoyed it and can make up for it today/tomorrow/next week etc.. :clover:
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 11:36
Last week I ate a whole slab of French Brie in one sitting and I think it was because I have been deliberately not buying cheese since I began 5.2 (which points to not cutting out any particular foodgroup). Anyway, it was ripe and delicious and I ate it all. I lost more than usual at my weigh in this morning! I've given up trying to work out how this WOL works - but it does, even when you have the occasional pig out! :smile:
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 11:55
Well Carol I've just got back from dinner at my local bowling club. A huge veal schnitzel and chips and I stuffed it all in. Also washed it down with quite a few glasses of wine. Not the end of the world. I'll fast tomorrow and hope to reverse things a bit. We all need to remember that this is not a quick fix. It's a way of life that allows us to not be perfect sometimes.
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 14:23
I fast on Mondays and Thursdays. This is the 2nd week in a row where I feel like I can not get satisfied on Tuesdays. I feel like I really overdo it. My only hope is that it only feels that way because the day before I ate so little on the fast, that it seems like so much the next day to eat normally. We'll see. I did lose last week despite feeling like I really blew it on Tuesday, so hopefully again I will. Despite raising my eye brows here or there about all this, I am really loving the 5:2!
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 14:37
Why? Because you're Human + yes you can.
Say No more on it + put it behind you, all will come good if you learn from this, I've just posted simular comment f/day yesterday went brill.
Today I'm so hungry oxo comming up.
We all learn a bit more each day. Sue :heart:
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 14:42
Ah, cammon, pigging out is a wonderful thing to do. As long as you don'tmake it a habit...
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 15:18
Pigging out is one of life's great pleasures, just don't let the great pleasure turn you into one of life's pigs :pig2: :pig2: :pig2:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 16:53
Carol have you got the message now? :grin: I pig out most weekends then rein it in on the weekdays. It's fine so long as you balance it out over the week.
Re: WHY oh WHY did I pig out
08 May 2013, 17:26
I pig out once a week, it's fun and doesn't affect the weight loss :)
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