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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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Not a very nice subject I know but has anyone else experienced this. I usually split my fast day but this week has been hard to fit them in with bank holiday Monday etc so I did tues and wed. Didnt break my fast till lunchtime as was really busy and prob overdid it with 2 cheese and tomato pittas and a bag of crisps. Tummy still feeling very unsettled and have a friend coming over any minute then meant to be drinks at a friends tonight. Anything I can do to settle my tummy? Should I have expected this?

Edit : after a little googling I am now wondering if the fact I had my gallbladder out a few years ago might be making this worse. Hadn't occurred to me till today but I guess if bile is being constantly delivered despite the fact there is no food there then that prob messes with my digestion when fasting. I will just have to try not to do 2 days together in future and eat smaller meal when breaking my fast.

Thanks for your replies.
I find after a 36 hour water fast my tummy is easily unsettled the following day if I overdo it, little and often seems to be the key for me the next day - or at least just little!

Hope you feel better later on.
I always get diarrhea in the final hours of my 36 hour fast. I did read that it is due to your system flushing out toxins, but don't know if that is true. I have not found a solution as yet, but am still searching. :?:
Well...sorry for the TMI here, but I have found that I've had it pretty badly on my fasting days. The first few times I thought it was a tummy bug or something had disagreed with me...but I can say honestly that I have a little bit of it each day I fast now. It's weird but not associated with any cramping or anything. I'm hoping it's just an adjustment and it will resolve after a few more fasts...
After a fast I found if I ate anything too 'greasy' or fatty then it would upset my stomach. I would suggest that your stomach reacted to the cheese and the crisps.
Ditto Moogie and the others really; I've been fine apart from when I've had a big or fatty meal when breaking my fast, or soon after. I'm finding that the day after fasting I feel like picking anyway; not at bad stuff; more that I feel hungry but then a mouthful or two and I'm satisfied. maybe instinctively my body wants the little and often. However, I do try and stay away from rich food for the first few hours after starting to eat again. It only took one 'near miss' experience (cheese scone with butter for breakfast) to learn that lesson!

I've also had my gallbladder out btw, last December.
My sister has had her gall bladder removed, and cannot eat greasy, fatty stuff anymore without being ill.
I too have diarrhoea the day after I fast, and I also have no gallbladder. I didn't connect it to that though, and thought it was just the fasting.
I lost my gallbladder 15 years ago, and I also had a bowel resection (for diverticulosis) nearly 2 years ago. Before the bowel resection I would sometimes get unexpected diarrhoea which I put down to the missing gall bladder. Now it's hard to know what to blame, as I can swing between diarrhoea and constipation almost on the same day! Fats don't seem to be too much of an issue now, but fibre definitely is (I supplement with Benefiber, and I think that helps mop up fat in the diet). I would never fast 2 days in a row, foe me that would be asking for trouble!
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