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Bloating on a fasting day
09 May 2013, 18:08
Hi everyone

I'm on my second week of the 5:2 diet and I have found on my fasting days, like today, although I feel hungry during the day my stomach is quite bloated and looks a little larger than normal. I've experimented with eating during the day or having all my calories in the evening but the symptoms don't seem to change. Does anyone else have this symptom?
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
09 May 2013, 18:31
Welcome to the forum hatherz! I've not experienced bloating on fast day but maybe some others have and will post soon. Do you think it maybe from your pre-fast dinner? Sorry I'm not much help, mostly wanted to welcome you. :)
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
10 May 2013, 09:34
I don't know, I usually get it during the later half of the day, I drink tea and water and usually have a meal at dinner time. Apologies for the topic but I've also been suffering with diarhoea - could this be to do with my non-fasting days? Thanks for the welcome!
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
10 May 2013, 11:59
The too-loose and the not-loose have been an experience most of us have come across! It does seem that fasting my make any minor food intolerance rise to the surface, so my suggestion is to try changing your pre-fast dinner and fast day meals to either low-carb (green veg) with protien and fats/no-carb without fats and lower protien, if that doesn't change things in a week then go the opposite with carb(pasta, rice or potato) and veg with low fat&low protein and fast day with carb and veg. You will have to experiment and listen closely to what your body is saying.
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
10 May 2013, 12:11
OK thanks for your help!
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
10 May 2013, 12:17
Not sure I helped, but change things up a bit for a week and see if anything changes for you. Could just be your body getting used to the fasting regime. Post back with what you tried and what worked.
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
13 May 2013, 09:38
I'm still suffering from cramps and diarrhoea every time I eat (or a few hours after eating) - its like my body is rejecting the food I eat. I think I'm going to have a week off and see if it really is the fasting causing my symptoms. Very odd!
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
13 May 2013, 12:51
hatherz wrote: I'm still suffering from cramps and diarrhoea every time I eat (or a few hours after eating) - its like my body is rejecting the food I eat. I think I'm going to have a week off and see if it really is the fasting causing my symptoms. Very odd!

You didn't mention the diarrhoea in your earlier posts, are you lactose intolerant? Those are the same symptoms that I experience everytime I have ANY dairy, cheese, milk, supplement shakes or any little bit of dairy hidden in food (amazing what contains dairy including whey powder). I still enjoy dairy but now I take a lactase enzyme like lactaid or dairy eaze before my first bite of dairy containing food.
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
13 May 2013, 12:55
No I have never had an issue with lactose, but I have past bad experiences with wheat, however I have tried cutting out wheat and gluten with no effect.
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
13 May 2013, 13:03
Ok, you will just have to experiment then. When I first became lactose intolerant, I was totally unaware and failed to put it together as to what was causing my problem. It was only after years of 'issues' that my boss asked me if I was lactose intolerant, I replied "no" then she asked what I had eaten that day (cottage cheese for breakfast and clam chowder for lunch) and the light-bulb moment finally hit! Experiment and listen to what your body tells you. Keep a log and look for patterns. Good luck. :)
Re: Bloating on a fasting day
13 May 2013, 13:07
Wheat and gluten are also hidden in foods, read labels carefully. You could try just having veg/fruit and protein for a few days (removing all grains and dairy) then add one item containing gluten or one item containing dairy (not both, lol), wait several hours and see if you get a response.
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