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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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A planned special dinner out for tonight was rescheduled this morning til tomorrow. (early enough for me to start fasting) Had rescheduled normal Thurs fast day til tomorrow. Finding this one of the hardest fast days I've done and I'm in about 2 months.

Maybe the mind prep for fast days is important? Anyone else notice that?

OR.. I remember reading somewhere the 8 week mark is critical, some people jump off the wagon at this point? I've been steady and consistently losing. Haven't found this difficult to do - this is the first fast day I've been seriously tempted to throw in the towel. (or honestly EAT the towel) :lol: It's almost dinner time so I don't want to abandon and start over tomorrow.

Words of wisdom from long timers? Any advice on this 8 week critical time period?
I have only been doing the diet for 4 weeks but just wanted to give you some support and to say that you can do this. I think mind prep for a fast day does play a part x
Just entering or finishing my 8 week mark. Actually finding it easier now than ever, so maybe it's just the mental prep that is lacking for your fast day. Take heart though, you are almost finished and tomorrow you have your special dinner. :)
I have been doing for 10 weeks, haven't experienced the 8th week critical time, however I do agree with you, it's all in the mind. Well done for sticking with it and hope you enjoyed your fast day dinner. Enjoy your special dinner tomorrow.
I bet it's a mental thing! Just be glad you're getting it over with and enjoy tomorrow! I can't wait to have today over with! Bye-bye fasting for three days! Can't wait!
If I have ever felt like throwing in the towel on a fast day I have held onto the thought that it would mean starting again another day and usually that sorts me out, especially if I have already got to the afternoon! Mentally preparing meals for the following day (which I don't usually end up having) helps too! However, if today isn't the day for you then quitting doesn't mean the whole thing is lost and I think this way of eating is easier to get back on track with than others I have tried. I've only done one unplanned fast and I think my stubbornness ensured I stayed on track! You could always choose two half fasts if today didn't end up going to plan. Good luck
I'm ending my 10th week tomorrow with a weigh in. Hoping for the best. The first 6 weeks were great, and I lost 11 lbs. Since then I've plateaued. I have been sticking to it religiously. Not going over my 500 calories on fast days, and staying at 1800-2000 on fast days (per my TDEE) I know plateau's happen, and I'm going to stick with it. I just hope something happens soon, cuz it's no fun to suffer 2 days a week and not lose! I do, however, feel smaller. My clothes are looser and I can just feel it overall. So that's a plus, that it might be inches and not pounds. So, yes I would say weeks 7-10 are critical. Makes you want to give up, but don't! I'm hoping to see a smaller number tomorrow!
Ha, funny you should mention. I am at the end of my 7th week, and the thought of fasting again next week - yech! Up till now I;ve been loving it. I am doing 4:3 at the moment, and will do it next week as I have a few functions, but then promised myself a 5:2 week after that. So maybe for some of us there is an 8 week itch! Stick with it though ;)
9 weeks for me and today ... a nonfast day ... I did eat more than I usually would. Not way too much, but did not feel as in control for some reason. First time since starting....Doing 4:3 and tomorrow another fast day. Not dreading it, but hope to not over do this holiday weekend.
Hope we both hang in there! :-)
Now that I think of it, I am at 8 weeks. I have hit a plateau and that is discouraging but thanks to the blog, I know other people have regained some momentum so I am sticking with it. My advice is to go to bed early!
Overall, I think that my fasting days have gotten much easier. I've been at this for about 10 weeks. I had a 3 week long plateau around week 5-6 but have broken through and am losing again. However, some fasting days are difficult, especially I'm PMSing.
Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement! I did make it through the day keeping to the 500cal, went to bed early. Today was weigh in and strangest things, I lost the least amount I've lost since starting, yet FINALLY saw my waist measurement go down. I think my body must be going through some kind of adjustment/change. One thing I realized was that I didn't eat as much on feast days this week as I should have. I'm sure I'll make up for it going out to dinner tonight!

This forum has been a Godsend for me. Again, thank you all for your support.
I agree with you on the support of the forum wholeheartedly....I wouldn't be here without it. I reached the same stage as you probably around the 10-12 week stage and for me I believe it is/was a psychological plateau. My advice to you is just keep plugging away at it. We all have good days and bad days no matter how long we've been doing it. Like you last month I only lost 2lb but a massive 1.5" of my waist. Remember this is no ordinary diet. Keep going - it's doing us so much more good than just losing weight.
It's interesting that I found last week harder on fast days and I also had restricted my eating more on feast days so I'm guessing it's a good bet that's why.
For the first time I ate slightly over 500 cals last Monday, and right up to it on Thursday, whereas other weeks I've usually eaten about 450cals on fast days.
I'm going to grit my teeth and keep going- I hope!
As you say, the forum is SO GREAT!
Funny that you should mention it. This is the start of my 8th week. I have found it all so easy and enjoyable and have been losing a steady 1lb per week. For the first time when I officially weigh in for the week tomorrow I think I am going to see either no weight lost or even a gain. I haven't done anything differently. This afternoon I even had to sniff the spice cupboard. I am freezing cold and starving. Dinner in about 4 hours. Fancy a 40 calorie hot chocolate really, but not giving in. I wonder if there is some sort of 8 week phenomenon that Caroline might like to look at. I usually wait to eat till lunchtime on the day after a fast but all I can say is..... Roll on breakfast time, I will have my snout in the trough :grin:
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