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Tomorrow is the day!!
12 May 2013, 20:05
Tomorrow is the day! I start this new adventure! Wish me luck!!

Any advice for my first fast?

My menu for dinner tomorrow is:

Chicken with ginger and chili pepper (spices)

Steamed Zucchini


1 apple

If I wake up hungry I non fat fruit yogurt

And a lot of cold green tea!!
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
12 May 2013, 20:25
Sounds great. Before you dig into the yogurt, you might want to try drinking some tea first and see if the hunger passes. Some, including me, stay hungry all day if something is eaten first thing.

Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
12 May 2013, 20:29
Hi, I'm starting tomorrow too.

Just made my pack up for work and sorted dinner, and I'm using myfitnesspal to calculate my calories.
2 x satsumas

Celery sticks
Cucumber batons
Pepper batons
2xf Finn crisps
Cottage cheese
Sugar free jelly

For dinner at home:
large salad no dressing with roasted butternut squash and feta.

I'm vegetarian and I have lost 3 stone 8lbs from a partial no carb diet but have come to a sticking point so trying fasting. I have been on 1200 for a while.
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 00:07
Good luck tomorrow IvaFromItaly & tabby fish :clover:
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 09:38
All the best on your first fasting day IvafromItaly. I started 2 weeks ago and will do my 5th fast day tomorrow. Have lost 3 kgs and am rapt with that. I have breakfast, sometimes soup for lunch and a small evening meal, keeping at 500 cals all up. Even allow myself a trim flat white during the day too, more fluid and helps keep me feeling full! I need warm/hot drinks though as I feel the cold on fast days, not sure why. Good luck and enjoy the empowering feeling you get from fasting.
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 09:40
Good luck! I'll be there with you tomorrow - as will a lot of others :>)
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 11:19
Hi! Here i I am. In the end I didn't have breakfast, I feel fine for now... I was a little bit hungry around midday but now I'm ok... drinking a lot of iced green tea and peppermint tea... I have an apple with me in case of emergency (like if I get super hungry and drinking isn't enough) but I hope to make it until tonight without anything! :D
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 11:36
Good Luck! Drink plenty of water to avoid headaches. I find that a glass before a meal fills me somewhat. I like the sound of the meal you mentioned in your previous post. I am also on a fast day today and actually enjoying it!
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 11:46
I'm sorry, can I ask a question?
Do you eat any carbs on a fast day... because I tought, I didn't eat the yogurt, I have more or less 100 cal... if I eat 120g of potatoes I arrive at the total of 500kal, but I wasn't sure if you can eat them or not on a fast day... Thank you!
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 11:50
Ivan, ou can eat whatever you want on your fast day as long as it's within your calorie allowance. Most people seem to settle on a small portion of protein and a mountain of vegetables. It gives a lot of value and filling for the allowance. It's worth experimenting with how you make the allowance up until you find the solution that suits you.
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 19:12
Here it's 9 pm... my first fast day is almost gone... I was surprised I didn't suffer hunger a lot... only at midday and around 6.30pm... I didn't eat anything until dinner, I went on peppermint tea, water, coffee and green tea. I ate my dinner, and now I'm going to eat an apple... So far so good...
Now I have to think what to eat on my next 500 calories meal...
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
13 May 2013, 20:03
Well done. Great isn't it?
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
14 May 2013, 08:17
Done and done! I feel great!! I didn't wake up with a lot of hunger... I was surprised!! I have enjoyed my breakfast a lot though... I really hope that the thursday fast is as easy as this one! :D
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
14 May 2013, 20:24
Hello! I decided to do my second fast tomorrow instead of thursday, because on thursday I go to gym and I'm not sure how my body will react to fast + intense physical exercise + and the hot weather... so I opted for tomorrow... I thought that maybe I could do a semi fast of about 700-800 cal on friday... But I well see how the week goes.. My menu for tomorrow is (please tell me if it's not ok, still learning with the menus for the fast days..):

50g of brown rice
1 cup of leeks
200g of cherry tomatoes
200g of chicken

1 apple after dinner or during the day...

total.. 503 cal.. What do you think?
Re: Tomorrow is the day!!
14 May 2013, 20:42
If it works for you and you hit the calories then it is perfect! I like to tend the day with a cup of hot flavored tea lightly sweetened.

Also, a cup of a salty broth can be helpful.

My fast day dinner is usually a nice piece of fish and a mound of veggies.
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