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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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To me, the point of "normal eating" really is not my normal - ie. the eating that got me here, but what would be considered normal for a person who maintains a healthy weight in a healthy way. Of course, I would argue the use of the word normal is problematic, but the concept should be obvious. I need to learn to eat in a manner that is non-restrictive but enables me to reach a healthy weight in a healthy way. That means I hope that by the time I reach my goal weight that I have learned to eat by listening to my body cues. I feel certain that the human body is meant to eat in a way that optimizes survival which almost has to translate to the healthiest available foods eaten in a way that makes me healthy.
I agree with you Nanou,i worry about not eating enough.,what about starvation mode and lowering metabolism.isnt the point of this way of eating to fast and then eat so keeps body guessing.we know that simply eating a very low calorie diet doesn't work.its not that simple.
Years of dieting has lowered my metabolism and I thought this IF was the way to turn things around.
I am on week three,haven't weighed yet but feel slimmer.i have been doing4:3 and just eating normally on feed days.always interested to see how others are going.
This is something Ive been thinking about.I have only been doing the 5:2 diet for 1 week 2 days and so far lost 1lb and some inches.

However like many on here I have tried LOADS of diets which involve counting points,calories or syns etc and the thing I like about this is the not worrying about food or counting calories. I think for me I just need to re-programme my head so that on feats days I know I am allowed to eat. My TDEE is over 2000 cals which I don't think I can eat so hopefully once my head realises it can eat food on feed days its been denied (bread,sausages,pasta and thing I miss....nuts lol) I will reach this without thinking by having breakfast,lunch and dinner and a snack in between I need to start enjoying food again so hopefully this diet will allow me to do this.

Having to count calories is the last thing I want to have to do but would do it if not seeing results soon.

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