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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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If discussed elsewhere in this forum please point me to the link

This screened last night on Australian television on SBS

this is the SBS link (available on demand for a bit) ... ad-Marquee

I tried to watch the program with 5:2 in mind.

Can people share their views as I wasnt sure I could properly relate the two.

As for stomach surgery which was the last part of the program as a fix for the majorly obese, that probably requires a separate discussion but for what its worth, in Australia and I believe its criminal, we arent doing bypasing or banding much anymore but "sleeving" which is cutting out and i mean cutting out never to return about 80% of your stomach. Very popular in Western Sydney it seems.

I tried to dissauade 2 friends unsuccessfully (yes theyve lost tonnes of weight but what are the long term outcomes?

Any would be sleever round here?

Dont do it!!!

Any thoughts on this. for a moment i thought I said something wrong.
I'll have a look - not been up long ;-)
Let's hope the Aussies are not as quick during the Ashes! :grin:
what is the gist of what they said on the show?
Sorry haven't seen this programme yet
haven't found one I can access yet, got distracted by ... about-fat/ gives the gist I guess

found it -

also discussed here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4869
Very interesting Juliana thank you and Thank you PhilT for coming up with the vimeo video version that I could access.
Juliana.Rivers wrote: As for stomach surgery which was the last part of the program as a fix for the majorly obese...

...we arent doing bypasing or banding much anymore but "sleeving" which is cutting out and i mean cutting out never to return about 80% of your stomach.


Thank you Juliana and also Phil for the version which I ave just watched.

I found it very interesting that the bypass surgery seemed to re-wire the brain to want different foods etc. Does fasting not do the same but without the surgery or did I miss something or even misunderstand something?

Ballerina x
Ballerina wrote:
I found it very interesting that the bypass surgery seemed to re-wire the brain to want different foods etc. Does fasting not do the same but without the surgery or did I miss something or even misunderstand something?

Ballerina x

That's what I was thinking too Ballerina. I thought read or heard, at some point on this journey, either with Dr. Mosley's program or from some of the articles that our "nerds" shared, that fasting does some kind of 're-set' with our appetites and cravings.
Weight-loss surgery should never be an option. Far better to lose the weight naturally by eating sensibly.

People in countries where food is scarce wouldn't believe the amount of money which is spent on this type of surgery.

Ridiculous, to say the least.
tomtank wrote: Weight-loss surgery should never be an option. Far better to lose the weight naturally by eating sensibly.

People in countries where food is scarce wouldn't believe the amount of money which is spent on this type of surgery.

Ridiculous, to say the least.

Agreed but the people doing the "surgery journey" or "sleeve journey" as they call it are such determined "brainwashed lot" you cannot tell them it is crazy to lose vital organs. No one can tell me the stomach is not important to any human. Removing 80% or other radical banding / stapling /bypass surgery must have long term unsatisfactory consequences. The loss of weight is of course essential but there are other ways of doing it. I am sure they are desperate individuals being spun the benefits of the cut by very well paid surgeons.

The good news is in Australia whilst thers is popularity in bariatric surgery there is also a growing interest in what's called "hypnotic surgery" where you are hypnotised into believing that you have had surgery and indeed no longer have appetite issues. From what i read it does the trick without the scissors. In other words the surgery is on the brain / mind not on the actual stomach organ.

To a certain extent we are all with 5-2, programming our own minds into good eating patters, with a twist of course, consuming less calories overall through the magic of intermittent fasting.
I aw it. The information on hormones that trigger hunger and satiety was very enlightening and go to explaining why the weight creeps on when we lose focus. It doe seem to indicate that people need to be really dedicated to maintain weight loss as they are fighting the urges continually.
Juliana.Rivers wrote: Can people share their views as I wasnt sure I could properly relate the two.

Hi Juliana,

I felt full by the stretch of my stomach and not any other mechanism before I started this diet, but the sensation would last until the next meal. I have not felt hungry all the time - although I was getting on to being obese and in denial!

The stomach is connected to the brain in an interesting way. I feel full quickly when I eat after my fast day - a sensation I am not used too. We are perhaps altering the size of the stomach a little - but I doubt that is the reason. Perhaps there are stretch receptors that measure the amount of food we have eaten and report to the brain. I find it difficult to imagine we are resetting hormone levels, though we are perhaps resting organs that produce them.

Something has changed for me. I am not certain how long this sensation will last. Perhaps I will need to continue with this way of eating for the rest of my life.

Certainly is food for thought (pun intended),
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