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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I started 5:2 knowing all about low fat, low carb, eat this and don’t eat that diets. I’ve managed to maintain my current (very high) weight for about three years by cutting lots of carbs out of my diet.

After 8 weeks on 5:2 and an 8 pound loss, I now notice I am eating food that I really enjoy eating, and I am not eating food I really don’t like that much, even though it is supposed to be ‘good’ for me.

I think I am eating better.

Anyone else notice this, or am I one of the few? :?:
Previous to this diet, I was doing the protein shakes meal replacement thing and not eating any bread products. i was losing weight but man is life miserable just drinking those everyday. now Im getting better results and Im eating EVERYTHING lol.
I definitely eat a lot more fruit and vegetables than before and less junk and alcohol.
Yep me too.. i look for health choices on feast days but spoiling myself on occasion but not in excess with things like ice cream.

I have this incredible taste for muesli since starting this dieet . I found this really healthy variety here in Australia that tastes great too and - natural, not toasted and no dried fruit. ! Eat it with mild and 3 stewed prunes. Not on fast days though.
Hi JulianaR. What muesli do you eat?. Used to make my own but got a bit bored of that.
Since starting 5:2 I've realised how mindlessly I was snacking before. Now I only eat things that I really want (chocolate still makes that list!) :smile: and I've noticed my non-fast day food choices are getting healthier and healthier without me even thinking about it. Who knew that 5:2 was going to be so wonderfully life-changing!
I have noticed how food flavours and smells have been improved. I can smell a salad being prepared or a lemon being ed - wonderful.
I have never regarded chocolate as junk food, nor fruit and veg as particularly healthy.
To my sadness people victimise or praise certain foods. I believe that eating healthily is eating a good variety of foods
AiriR wrote: Since starting 5:2 I've realised how mindlessly I was snacking before. Now I only eat things that I really want (chocolate still makes that list!) :smile: and I've noticed my non-fast day food choices are getting healthier and healthier without me even thinking about it. Who knew that 5:2 was going to be so wonderfully life-changing!

I've been the same previously ,mindlessly snacking now I'm asking myself am I hungry or just bored tired emotional etc.
:star: I have even been satisfied cooking on a fast day and just enjoying the aromas, not eating a mouthful. Got OH to do taste test. I have always nibbled through cooking in the past this day i just enjoyed the aromas and it satisfied me.
Dopeterchina I get what you say food, eat a large variety of it in moderation and closest to its natural form and best prepared from scratch by you. Our bodies need to be fuelled and food is meant to be enjoyed. It is just that these days somethings are so chemical can be passed off as a treat when it is just ahem...crap.
Dark chocolate is good for us. I am off to have a piece. Fasting Sunday and onwards on the crusade of shedding my old fat! :starving: :smile:
After I hit 30 and realised that my metabolism is not what it used to be, I started eating more sensibly. My cooking was always on the healthy side but I was eating junk food every other day.
I can't say that I changed anything since starting 5:2 but I can vouch that after a fast day food looks, tastes and smells 100 times better!!!
I ate a lot of low calorie things like yoghurt and cheese that I didn't like that much as I was afraid that I would put on weight if I ate the full calorie versions, but now I've started eating full fat stuff when I want to, and I have to say that I am now able to eat a small amount and feel satisfied so it must be better for my health! Other than that I always have eaten a lot of vegetables being vegetarien, but I also now allow myself to buy more expensive veggies for fast days as I'm spending less overall, so I 'treat' myself, and having more variety can only be a good thing!
I stick to a low-carb diet on my non-fast days, and I do lots of exercise.I am finding that the last few pounds are melting away with the 5:2 WOE.

I am no longer tempted to eat unhealthy treats, because the fast days can be quite hard work, and I don't want to negate all my efforts!
Hi Again:

Love the comments. Thanks!

When I reread my question I notice I really didn't define 'better' completely.

After years of dieting or following 'styles', I wasn't eating all of the foods I like to eat. For instance, when I eat low carb, I can't eat bread or potatoes, both of which I love. On 5:2 I've been eating both without ruining my 'diet'.

On the other side, I have never (over the last 50 years) eaten much fruit. I have eaten more fruit (raw and smoothies) in the last two months than I have in the last two decades.

So I'm eating better both because I'm eating more foods I enjoy, and eating foods almost all agree are good for me.

This truly seems to be a WOE that sort of naturally causes changes in habits over time.

8 pounds in 8 weeks - I love it :grin:
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