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I'm not having much luck with this WOE. I don't typically have a lot of trouble on Fast days, except yesterday when I was SO hungry and ended up with about 800 cals. on a fast day. :frown:

Anyway, I've been keeping closer track of my calories on both Fast days and Feed days and I'm wondering how on earth to get up to my TDEE? I'm trying not to eat a lot of breads, pastas, sweets etc. My TDEE for sedentary is 1881. I do a strenuous boot camp workout 4-5 days a week & walk 18 holes of golf both weekend days most weeks. So if I even do a Moderately active TDEE calc, that is 2430!!

All this to ask..........what do you eat to reach 2000 calories????? I could easily do it with chocolate, but not thinking that's a great idea! :razz:

Any suggestions will be appreciated!
Or if you must be healthy probably nuts / seeds - you could make a nice nutty flapjack or similar! Or add extra oil as salad dressings etc...
Big Mac, Large Fries, Large coca cola. 1160 cals. :-)

1881 for sedentary - are you tall ?
cook with healthy fats, eat an avocado, chopped nuts sprinkled on top of steel cut oats with a bit of good quality butter, cream in your coffee, full fat yogurt, olive oil on salad, salmon, a little bit here and there and you will get there pretty easily.
Yes...I'm 5'8" and HEAVY! Hence the high TDEE

That's the only thing I could think of.......more healthy fats. Guess I should give up the low fat yogurt etc. That is so ingrained that it's hard to think about eating full fat anything! I do love guacamole.

Thanks for the ideas!
Do you have to eat right up to your TDEE? I do generally because it is about 1,600! but I would never eat if I didn't feel like anything or was full. If your body doesn't want 2400 calories don't have them - all to the good I should think! I would trust that feeling more than a number derived from a calculation. :smile:
The TDEE calc could be 150 or 200 calories out, in either direction, so it isn´t critical to hit the number on the screen.
I do the fat free greek yogurt on my fast days and full fat yogurt on my non-fast days.

Actually what tends to happen for me is that my fast days are one balanced meal. I usually get equal parts protein, fat, and carb (carbs from veggies). Then on my non-fast days the percentage of fat goes up. I do concentrate on getting the healthy ones, so avocado, nuts, coconut, and olive oil. Also on non-fast days I tend to use sauce on veggies (homemade hollondaise on roasted asparagus is amazing), and not do that on fast days.

I also allow myself dessert type treats or a bit of alcohol on the weekends.
I'd say don't force yourself to eat if you aren't hungry just to reach your TDEE. Still, a couple of TS of olive oil in your salad will add 300 calories...
I'm pretty sure all my extra calories on feed days come from cheese, wine, lattes, and chocolate covered rum balls.

Ok. I exaggerate a bit. I really love nice whole grain bread, but avoid it on fast days. I tend to save salads for feed days so I can have olive oil with the balsamic.
Well, I don't, as I have three different figures for my TDEE. I do however count calories, even on my 'feast' days and they tend to work out at 1000 - 1800, both well below my 'allowed' calorie intake, which is 2030 kcals/24 hours according to the calculation I trust. I tend to eat more bread on feast days, this might have to do with not eating many carbs on fast days. That's my theory anyway (carb deficiency :?: ). On feast days I seem to crave banana bread which I make myself, but I usually find myself quite full after 1-2 slices. My take on this is that I don't eat when I'm not hungry, TDEE or no TDEE.
I allow myself more fat and fresh/dried fruits on feed days. I eat mostly the same things on feed and fast days, but I cut back on the fruit and nuts/seeds and stick to minimal added fat. I have no problem hitting my TDEE and then some on feed days. :P
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