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General 5:2 and Fasting Chat

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I started 5:2 mid April and now I feel much more relaxed about the whole concept, having spent four weeks calorie counting every day and working out my TDEE. I am amazed at how many different interpretations there are, but think that it is great for us all to be able to read about other peoples experiences and maybe try out a few of the options and find a way that suits the individual. I have hardly lost any weight, but I feel much more energetic and can see that some body fat has gone all over (including my face/throat) and I am very happy. Swopping fast days to suit my social life = I don't feel restricted in any way and very few people are aware that I am a 5:2 follower.
I agree with everyone here!

I agree with you Princess in that I'm lazy and like to keep it simple and have been puzzled at times as to why people make it complicated.

I also agree with those pointing out that it depends on what works for each person. I generally lose weight easily if I find something that works. Not everyone is so lucky. And I'm keeping in mind that I might stall at some point and need to change things up and/or be a bit more strict about TDEE, etc.

It seems to me there are some people that seem to be attracted to the finer points of the diet and the numbers and body chemistry and all that. I can understand that as well. I was more like that years ago. When I wanted to change my eating habits, I'd immerse myself in details and scholarly studies, etc. It was only after I'd digested ( :wink: ) that info that's I'd actually implement changes. Perhaps it's because I put in all that effort then that I'm comfortable being so lazy now. :grin:
Not everybody is the same, thinks the same, eats the same.
Some like to count calories, some don't.
Some weigh every day, some every week, some once a month.
The important thing of 5:2 is that it is adaptable. We can work with it and around it and find our own way of doing it in order to make it work and to make it last.
Personally, while I am trying to lose weight, I want to know my daily numbers, whether they are calories or kilograms. Others don't want to know either.
The thing is, nobody knows us better than ourselves. Not Dr M, not any other dietician/diet creator.
I think the best part of this forum is that it shows people all different ways to do 5:2 and still succeed. TDEE is just a tool, not a rule.

I am very grateful for the TDEE myself, because with out it i would be obsessing over what i am suppose to eat on my feast days. I tend to be harder on myself then necessary. My TDEE says what i can eat which is allot more then i would have thought on my own. So thanks to the TDEE i can enjoy eating more and not stress that i'm going crazy.

I loved your post. Haven't read the replies yet, but have to say that as someone returning to 5:2 eating, I totally agree with you.

If I wanted to count calories every single day, I'd join Weight Watchers or something. This plan clicked for me because I know I can count calories twice a week, but anything beyond that? No way. Been there, done that, and not going back.

If my weight loss slows down, I will shake up the way I eat on my other 5 days. But no way will I ever go back to daily calorie counting. It just wasn't sustainable for me.
I think the original idea of knowing your TDEE was because so many people had lost touch with normal eating. If we all ate normally we wouldn't need to be following any sort of plan! If you find you aren't losing you check out your calories just for a couple of weeks to see if you are actually eating too much for your needs. If you use one of the on-line food diaries its no great hassle. Some people don't realise how many calories are going down as alcohol and a couple of weeks counting lets them adjust accordingly.

If you can get away with the basic 5:2 then thats great but those of us battling health issues are glad of the help that comes from the resident nerds who are trying to make sense of things for us.
I think you should keep it simple...until you need to change it up. I have been on some variation of 4:3 for over 15 months now. That is a long time. Your body will adjust to what you are doing after so long. Then, it's like you hit a wall and the stall begins. I'm not a 4:3tweaker just for the sake of tweaking. It is because my body adjusted to what I was doing and I had to make changes to keep losing. If you haven't hit that wall yet: then don't complicate matters. As others have mentioned age, hormones, thyroids and metabolism can create problems along the way. If you are young or don't have a lot to lose, these issues may not really get to you until you get way closer to goal.
Hi Princess

I keep my 5:2 simple. Smaller portions of anything I fancy, liquid fast days, low sugar/carbs woe, no calorie counting, no stress, simples :smile:
everyone here has their own ways to make it work for them.
Pleased its working for you and congrats on your wedding :like:

Chris x
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