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I've a confession to make...
17 May 2013, 08:11
I haven't fasted in weeks... I really want to get back into it, but for some reason the thought makes me nervous. :fear:
The fasting started off well for me, I had a couple of great fast days and I felt so positive, but then it became quite a hindrance; I was acutely aware all day of the time and what I could eat and when I could eat and I can't eat this and I can't eat that and I want this and I want that, and it became a real chore to do it - my mind was working overtime on it.

I kept feeling that if at the end of a fast of, say, 24 hours, I could eat normally (I mean like fasting from 5pm - 5pm on water only and then eat a normal meal) then I wouldn't have felt so funny about it - but it was the fact that the eating of a 500 cal meal only served to make me feel empty. But I'm not sure how I'd have felt about a 36+ hour water fast... :bugeyes:

Like I say, I want to start again, but I'm a little anxious about it. I suppose getting into the habit of fasting is a huge thing, but it's getting past the weirdness of it, and turning it into habit.

I just wanted to share with you as I miss the board and all you guys but I don't know if fasting is for me (judging by the feelings I had about it...)

Anyone felt the same or have any thoughts on how I can rectify?
Thanks, hope you are all doing ok
Welcome back,
If it isn't for you then it isn't for you, and looking at your BMI it doesn't look like you have much if any weight to lose.
If you do want to give it another try, how about 6:1, just pick whatever day is easiest for you, the worst that can happen is you eat something.

Hugs anyway
Kinda surprised for your reasons but we're all different. For me this is the simplest diet in the world. I literally don't have to think about what I'm going to eat. Have my dinner on an eating day around six or seven, then nothing to eat until about 8pm the next day when I'll usually have some soup or a bowl of fruit or veggies. Bed a couple of hours later and when I wake up I just eat normally again until the next fast day.

It does seem to suit some people better than others. Some people want three small meals throughout the day, though personally eating anything tends to trip a switch in my head and makes me crave more food so that's why I leave it until the evening and then eat something filling but not calorifically dense, like fruit or veg or soup, lovely, lovely soup. Also, don't knock a bowl full of sliced tomatoes and sauerkraut until you've tried it - though you gotta watch the salt it's 300-400 calories. A tin of Heinz soup and a couple slices of dry toast is anything from 300-500 calories depending on the bread and the soup, but completely fills me up.
Did you try just doing the 24 hour fast and then eat normally for the evening? If that sounds more appealing to you, do that! I have ups and downs with my attitude to fast days - sometimes they're easy and sometimes i'm obsessed with eating!! I am far less strict when i'm not in the mood and allow myself a good few extra calories (and a glass of wine). It has still worked for me...
Welcome back Sophie!

Why don't you try your suggestion of fasting for 24 hours then having a normal meal if you think that would work better for you?
Hi Sophieh, welcome back. How was your eating when you stopped fasting for the past weeks? Maybe instead of doing fasting 1 or 2 days a week try the 16/8 approach. So everyday you have an 8 hour window to eat normally and then a fast of 16 hours.
I can totally relate to your feelings of the 5:2 life style. I have been doing this WOE for over a month and have good results but do still find the fasts a hard slog and I don't know if it could be sustainable for me in the long run. I would like it to be.
I have been reading a lot about the 8 hour fast where you have an 8 hour window of eating and fast for 16 hrs every day. From what I have read it is an easy way of getting used to fasting and then you could progress to 5:2. Im thinking of giving it a try.
Hi Sophie
Nice to hear from you again. I think you've actually answered all of your own questions, the main one being, to my mind, is that you aren't ready, at the moment, to commit to this WOE. You feel anxious when you contemplate it, but unhappy about not doing it, so it's a double-edged sword for you.

I haven't fasted for about 3 weeks because I'm trying to get to grips with various health problems that 5:2 wasn't addressing and am trying alternative methods where fasting is contra-indicated. But I still like to visit the boards and take part in the discussions and I fully intend to resume IF in the not too distant future. This is such a lively, informative space and I've learned a great deal from participating.

So my message to you is: listen to your instincts - if the time isn't right for you at the moment that's fine, accept it; everything changes and how you feel today may be quite different to how you feel tomorrow. Not fasting doesn't preclude you from participating on the boards (I hope!) - you've always been very supportive of other members and made valuable contributions to discussions. So, don't be a stranger.

Marlene x
Hi Sophie,
Nice to see you back here, agree with what Marlene says, do 5:2 when you're ready but still come on the forum.
You could try just dropping breakfast for a while & once you've got used to that then try missing lunch, gradually working your way to a full days fast when you feel comfortable if you are determined to give this WOE a go.
Hi Sophie, I agree with Marlene too and I fully understand you. Even after 2 full months on 5:2 I struggle almost every fast to get to the evening. I mean I always think about when I am gonna eat and what. It seemed easier at the beginning, but once in the swing I tried to make it a bit more complicated and lately I find it a bit harder to get to the evening, but on the other side the results I am getting are the best motivation to keep me going. I tried with 3 small meals, then 2 and now for almost a month I am eating once a day in the evening and most of the time I don't even count calories on my fast day. Like last night I am pretty sure I went up to 700cals, but really don't care. I am being a good boy on my feed days, do my training and watch the numbers go down. Maybe you just need to get into it and see some results. Try to be not so strict on fast days, maybe the weigh loss won't be that much, but still you get the benifits of this WOE and with time you will adjust and find the right method that works for you. The 500/600cals are just indicative as you may know and there are some of us who fast all day on water only, other who strictly adhere to the 500/600cals and others (like me) who are more relaxed.
I hope you will find the right motivation to get back on track.
Ciao, J
Just want to say...welcome back, and don't be too hard on yourself.
Like Juliusi said if I go over by 100 or more calories I don't worry.
If you don't have much weight to lose the weight loss will be slower, and if your within healthy limits the fasting for fasting's sake will benefit you.
Just don't feel guilty or stressed about it.
I'm glad you have felt able to confess.
Sending you hugs. X
Good to hear from you sophie. Lots of good ideas here. I would say to not put yourself under pressure. If you're not ready for this just now let it lie for a wee while and then come back to it. You could try any of the other suggestions if they appeal.
Please keep coming into the forum and sharing your ideas and views and let us know how you're doing. :)
Sophie, it's nice to hear from you again and thank you for 'fessing up about your issues with 5:2. Of course we all like to hear the positive stuff here but although we know some people give up we rarely hear why or how because they just disappear (from the forum only I hope!)

Lots of great suggestions posted above and if you are not ready for it then you shouldn't force it. You did mention that you thought you could manage 24 hour fasting no problem. That would probably give you say half the benefits of a normal 500 cal 'fast day' so doing that twice a week would be equivalent to 6:1.

Anyway, whatever you feel best with. What I really wanted to say, as others have, is that you are welcome here even if you are not currently following 5:2 (or any variant thereof). In fact your problems with it may give you some insights that the rest of us lack and which could make your input especially valuable.
Thank you all for your replies, support & great advice!
I am generally a healthy eater, I do have a sweet tooth though!
I think I will ease back into it, make it an experiment: try 16:8 one week, the 24 fast the next and 6:1 the next, I'll see what works best & then make it work for me & my life.
That's why I love this website, so much support & friendly words!
I think I will restart my blog through my experiment, I'll be able to keep a good track of it then.
Thanks again, you're all stars!! Xx
I understand your desire to avoid the faffing involved with 500 calorie days and it's why I have started the 36hr fasts which seem to suit me better. If you are in this for the health benefits of fasting why not do a 24hr fast and then eat normally, it will still give you two low calorie days and if it feels more manageable and suits you better then it sounds tailor made for you. Whatever you decide I wish you luck.
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