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Yesterday I think I ate 1000000 calories. Seriously, I just did not stop ALL day at an all day party. Lots of alcohol too.

Really think i might have sabotaged my loss for the week, it's been a while since I ate so much.

Has anyone else eaten like there's no tomorrow and still seen results? Ill be very happy if I stay the same, but I put 4lb on overnight :(

Officially I'll weigh in thurs after fasting today and weds.
Never mind, today's another day, just put it behind you and focus on the rest of the week.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a wedding and ate and drank loads (they even had a sweet bar I had to try at 3am lol) but it turned out to be the week I lost the most so far!
It is amazing how a good feast sometimes just kicks this along.
Chin up carameline and I did lol at your calorie count
I'm sure one of the nerds will know but I'm sure I read somewhere that you can't actually gain more than 1lb of actual fat in a day. Your weight, should you brave the scales, will be a bit wild but it will likely be fluid rather than fat.

As the others have said, tomorrow is another day. Start fresh. Did you enjoy the day? Sometimes the odd random blow out does you the world of good. (Always assuming you don't abuse it!)
A couple of weeks ago I gained 4 pounds because I traveled home to see family and missed a fast day and all that rot, and I lost the entire 4 pounds by a week later. What goes on fast comes off fast. :-)

The corollary to this, of course, is that for most of us the weight we are trying to lose went on over several years or even decades! :P
Luckily it takes several days to a week for the food you eat to be stored as fat so don't worry! If you stick to your fasts this week its unlikely your body will store it as fat. Instead it will use it as your energy source during your fast days this week.

The important thing is to not let days like that make you feel like you've undone your work when that's not the case. You might just stay the same weight this week, but that's fine too! :)
On a normal diet 10000000 calories would be a disaster but a couple of fasts should fix it. Did you enjoy your day? As long as you had a great time then nothing to worry about.
That's all? Seriously? You do know I can beat you, right? Because I did eat a trillion calories over the weekend so I win the calorie contest!
Feel better?
Well, I tried but I can't help it that I ate more than you!!!

Now, go do your fasts and thou shall be rewarded when you get on the scales and see that you didn't gain (and perhaps lost a pound or two).
Ahhhh TML I'm sure I ate about a grazillion calories in excess of what you did, it was BAD!

The annoying thing is, I didn't enjoy eating the food that much. I felt bloated and uncomfortable but I just kept on stuffing my face! I enjoyed my fast yesterday much more strangely enough..

Only lost 1lb this morn after my fast yesterday... Period is due too so I'm expecting a gain on thurs. Oh well, thanks for making me feel a lot less guilty everyone :)
Just to reinforce what others have said - the weird (& wonderful!) thing about this WOL is that the occasional blow out actually seems to help the weight loss.

Having said which, I've had a similar weekend of excess so am waiting with bated breath for my weigh in on Friday, after 2 fast days today and Thursday!
Hope the scales aren't being cruel! I think there is good advice above. Just keep going.

I went through a phase of overeating on "normal" days and it slowed the weight loss down but it didn't stop it. I kept reading about other people on the diet quickly losing the urge to overeat and wondered why it didn't happen to me. I now seldom get the urge to overeat which is great but I do sometimes still get it and give into it! Its not just you, hope you feel better today.
RachelT7 wrote: Hope the scales aren't being cruel! I think there is good advice above. Just keep going.

I went through a phase of overeating on "normal" days and it slowed the weight loss down but it didn't stop it. I kept reading about other people on the diet quickly losing the urge to overeat and wondered why it didn't happen to me. I now seldom get the urge to overeat which is great but I do sometimes still get it and give into it! Its not just you, hope you feel better today.

Yes, I agree. Provided you don't push on eating past the full up mark you will lose weight. Sometimes you lose slowly, sometimes fast and sometimes not at all - but you will lose weight.

All the best,
I agree with what others have said here. For the last two weeks, and last week in particular, I have totally pigged out.Guess what happened? I lost two lbs on each of those weeks where before I was losing one lb a week. Now, I'm not going to continue to eat so much as I am sure that my weight loss would slow down and I just don't want to always eat so much, but it's not the end of the world and, in my case, it ended in a pleasant surprise.

Don't worry about it...just keep going. There was a week when I lost nothing and I was GOOD....hang in there as it all comes right in the end, :)
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