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holiday fasting
27 May 2013, 20:49
Hey guys just wondering has anyone successfully fasted on hols. I am going away for 2 weeks. It's next week I worry about - I can probably get away with skipping breakfast but doubt I'd get away with much else. My friends won't understsand what I'm doing, any ideas? There are couple of days of catching flights so I reckon I could get away with fasting those days. I have only been back on the diet 1 week so just don't want to break it so early
Re: holiday fasting
27 May 2013, 21:15
I've just done a fast travelling back from a long weekend so far, but I will have to fast on holiday this summer as I'm going away for a whole month! I've already thought about it and I figured I'd skip breakfast and try and get away with salad or a stir-fry for the other two meals and just eat small portions, but as you say I'm not sure how easy this will be. Where are you going? Will you be able to cook or not?
Re: holiday fasting
27 May 2013, 21:17
Hi JM just do the best you can & get back on board straight away on your return, I lost my first stone just before my holiday, maybe you could skip breakfast each day that would be a mini fast. I'm also not weighing in until a week after my return, coz know I've gained so my punishment is at least 3 fasts this week maybe 4ish ( PS I didn't do any while away).
Enjoy your holiday first you deserve to. :clover: Sue
Re: holiday fasting
27 May 2013, 23:14
Hi jmousey
I just added this post re our holiday, sorry I had to include it all, nor sure how to just add a link!
Hope it helps for your holiday. Have a brilliant time and don't worry too much, you can soon put things right when you get back. Good luck.

Re: Calling Californians! Food and weather?
by Grannyl » 27 May 2013, 22:27

Hi All
It seems ages ago when I was asking for your advice re our holiday in California. We have been home for a week now and have only just come down to earth!!

All your advice was spot on, thanks so much. We had an incredible time, saw and experienced so many amazing things. It all seems such a dream now.

Now to the 5:2 issues! Well, I had a final push before we left and managed to get a further 2 lbs off which meant I could actually get into some of my Summer clothes again! Still 7lbs to go though.

We had a long journey down to Heathrow so used that as a fast day. It was ok till we went for dinner in the hotel, OH had the buffet whilst I settled for salmon and veg.....oh that buffet looked so good but really didn't bother me so much, even having water not wine!! Wow, this WOE has really changed how I feel about food. To cut a long holiday (story) short, I did really well for about 2 weeks......avoiding (trying to) bread, cutting out breakfasts, sharing huge portions, choosing salads where possible, asking for dressings on the side, asked for 2 eggs scrambled for lunch where possible. Having the calories on a menu was very revealing, as I found myself rejecting dishes I might otherwise have chosen. The salads were brilliant, so crisp, fresh and so many things in them. Just had to watch for addition of too much cheese and salt, but everyone was so friendly and obliging. Didn't manage any proper fasting but was very aware of what I was eating but not in a bad way. Usually on holiday I drop my reserves, where food is concerned, and eat for England, almost like an excuse to eat what I want, totally out of control! Not this time though, I kept hearing snippets of your advice and it was sooooo good getting into clothes again that wouldn't fasten up a few months ago. Don't get me wrong, I still indulged, wasn't a party pooper and enjoyed the lovely wine but I just cut back the next day........

Then week 3 happened!!!!!! We were visiting a Danish town near Santa Barbara which had the most amazing Danish Pastries, how do I know this?!!!! Well, they had samples on the counter and before I knew it I had tasted several!!!! They were sooooo good, especially the marzipan and custard one......sorry, getting carried away again. All downhill after that apart from having a brilliant time.

Forced myself to weigh in day after getting home, really pleased as only put 4lbs on, would usually put 7lbs on on average holiday. However, found it really hard to settle for first fast day on return, found I really had to psych myself up again. I did this by reading loads of posts on the thanks everyone for getting me back on track again. I've done one fast now and have been careful other days and have actually got the extra lbs off here's to the last 7lbs.

Good luck everyone. Xx
Re: holiday fasting
27 May 2013, 23:44
A friend of mine recently told me that because she eats more when she is away (on holiday or business) she does a little trick. Every week, she tries to have one or two 1000 calories days.
I know that I won't ever manage to do 500 cals while away from home but 1000 calories doesn't sound that bad and it is better than nothing.

Another suggestion is to do what Greeks usually do. They do crash diets both before and after a holiday. It's something like 4:3 but it's 3 back to back 600-700 calories days before the holiday and another 3 after it. That way, they lose weight before going and they do the same after, so any gained weight is soon out of here. I do something even more drastic -3 days syrup&water fasts before going- and I manage to lose most of the weight I will gain before I leave so I pretty much gain the lost weight, plus a couple of pounds.
Re: holiday fasting
28 May 2013, 00:15
I'm visiting family soon and similarly wondering what to do. They'll be supportive of me losing weight, but I'm not sure they'll like the 500 cal days (see how I avoided the dreaded f word). Maybe if I make a big stir fry they'll be ok because it seriously looks like a lot of food. Otherwise, it's fasts on the plane both ways! And reduced portions at home, low carb/low cal options in restaurants.
Re: holiday fasting
28 May 2013, 02:08
Hi - Grannyl - so glad you seem to have had a wonderful trip to California - I'm one of many who gave some tips/ideas. I know what you mean about the Danish pastries etc in Solvang - isn't that a fun little town??

Welcome home and I'm sure you'll be back on track in no time. I have a trip planned for September - will be in Germany - doubt there'll be anything "light" on the menu so will have to be very careful.

Best wishes . . .
Re: holiday fasting
28 May 2013, 02:25
I wouldn't worry about it too much, I went to Vegas for 10 days and ended up having an accidental fast as we slept in from jet lag and didnt eat until 3pm on the first day. I didnt fast at any other time and when I came back, I waited a week to weigh in and I had lost anther kilo since before I went. A few days missed is never going to undo all the hard work, just maybe make sure you do some extra swimming/cycling/walking on your hols!
Re: holiday fasting
28 May 2013, 03:09
I find I do a lot of walking, exploring, playing, not sitting still, and I don't really put on weight on holidays. Would depend what sort of holiday you're going on I suppose. When I head off for 3 weeks holiday in the next few weeks, I'm going to fast the travel days, and try for my usual 2 fasts a week - but if I don't fit them in, no stress. I think liquid fasting will help (not having to think about food at all, and not having my hunger switch flipped makes it so much easier).
Re: holiday fasting
28 May 2013, 07:52
Wow thats great advice thanks so much for your support. I think I will do a liquid fast today and a 500 cal fast tomorrow. Then next week I will do a liquid fast on the Monday when I am flying from Philly to Seattle and then Ill do a mini fast one other day and not panic too much otherwise. I think I will stay off the carbs and breaky too. Ill update you on how I got on on my return
Re: holiday fasting
28 May 2013, 09:04
Hi Lovemyparrot, thanks for your good wishes. :smile:
Yes, Solvang was so lovely and so different, not what we were expecting at all.

I've found it quite hard to get focused again but this is my 2nd fast day today, so hope I'm now back on track for the final push! :starving:

Your trip to Germany sounds good, I'm sure you'll have a brilliant time. :heart:

Hi jmousey
You seem to have it planned now, well done, but don't beat yourself up if you do slip at times. Just enjoy yourself and with the help of the forums you'll soon get back on track again.
Let us know how you get on

All the best
Granny Lyn :heart:
Re: holiday fasting
28 May 2013, 11:12
Have an amazing time and don't worry too much about food!!!
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